

Determination and Comparision of Glucosinolate Content in Various Broccoli and Cauliflower Cultivars

【作者】 邱海荣

【导师】 吴震; 谢祝捷;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 硫代葡萄糖苷(简称硫苷,GS)是一类广泛存在于十字花科蔬菜中的植物次生代谢产物,硫苷及其降解产物在植物风味品质形成、杀虫杀菌、引发高等动物抗癌抑癌等方面具有显著的生物活性,特别是4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷降解产生的同源异硫氰酸盐-萝卜硫素具有强烈的抗癌功效。影响植物体内硫苷组分和含量的因素众多,包括作物种类和品种,发育阶段和器官类型,温度、光照、水分和矿质营养及种植时期等环境和栽培条件,采后贮藏条件以及加工烹饪方式等。本文以十字花科芸薹属蔬菜青花菜和花椰菜为试验材料,研究不同品种的花球、茎和叶片中4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫苷(简称RAA)和萝卜硫素(简称SUL)含量,筛选天然抗癌功能成分含量高的品种,为采用常规育种或基因工程手段提高蔬菜中抗癌功能成分含量、增强生物预防癌症能力,以及利用茎叶废弃物提取抗癌功能成分提供理论依据。研究结果表明:(1)不同品种青花菜和花椰菜花球RAA含量差异显著,含量最高的品种分别是‘绿宝石’(9.956μmol·g-1DW)和‘宝石花’(0.501μmol·g-1DW),青花菜RAA平均含量是花椰菜的36.6倍。总GS平均含量分别为24.924和23.28μmol·g-1DW。不同品种花椰菜RAA含量与花球收获期(定植至收获的天数)显著正相关,而青花菜RAA、总GS以及花椰菜总GS含量与收获期之间的均无显著相关性。(2)不同品种青花菜和花椰菜的茎及叶片中RAA含量均差异显著,青花菜和花椰菜茎中RAA含量范围分别为0.124~4.03μmol·g-1DW和0.01 8~1.325μmol·g-1DW,叶片中分别为0.017~1.251μmol·g-1DW和0.069~1.6281μmol·g-1DW。青花菜茎和叶片中RAA相对百分含量比花球分别低61.12%和71.51%,而花椰菜茎和叶片中RAA相对百分含量比花球分别高15.08%和40.18%。(3)青花菜花球中萝卜硫素含量最高(2.672μmol·g-1DW),茎次之(1.044μmol·g-1DW),叶片最低(0.429μmol·g-1DW);花椰菜叶片中萝卜硫素含量最高(0.47μmol·g-1DW),花球次之(0.1 06μmol·g-1DW),茎最低(0.097μmol·g-1DW)。青花菜和花椰菜4-甲基亚磺酰丁基硫酶解生成萝卜硫素的转化率均以花球和叶片较高(大于45%),茎较低(分别为37.1%和38.6%)。

【Abstract】 Glucosinolates(GS) are a group of plant secondary metabolites mainly found in the cruciferae vegetables.Glucosinolates and their degradation products have various bioactivities,such as flavor-forming,killing pest and pathogen,causing high-grade animal’s anti-cancer.Sulphoraphane,the cognate isothiocyanate of glucoraphanin,has strong anti-cancer effect.There are various factors that affect the profile and content of glucosinolates on the plants,including plant species and varieties,development stages and present organs,cultivation and environment conditions(such as,temperature,light,water, mine nutrition,planting date),storage conditions,methods of processing and cooking.This paper studied content of glucoraphanin(RAA) and sulforaphane(SUL) in different organs(curd,stem and leaf) of various broccoli and cauliflower cultivars,selected cultivars with high natural antic-cancer functional components lever,thus it provides the theory for enhancing the levels of functional component in cruciferous vegetables through conventional breeding or genetic engineering to improve the chemopreventive properties and extracting functional component from plant offal’s,such as stem and leaf.The result showed that RAA content in curd of broccoli and cauliflower varied significantly among cultivars,and ’Lvbaoshi’ and ’Baoshihua’ contained the highest RAA lever respectively(9.956 and 0.501μmol·g-1DW).The Mean RAA content in broccoli was 36.6 folds as that in cauliflower.The Mean total GS content of broccoli and cauliflower was 24.924 and 23.28μmol·g-1DW.RAA content of cauliflower had a positive and significant linear relationship with the harvest date of the curd(days from transplant to harvest),but we didn’t find significant relationship between RAA and total GS content of broccoli or total GS content of cauliflower to days from transplant to harvest.RAA content in stem and leaf of broccoli and cauliflower varied significantly among cultivars.For broccoli,RAA content in stem ranged from 0.124 to 4.03μmol·g-1DW,and ranged from 0.017 to 1.251μmol·g-1Dw in leaf.For cauliflower,RAA content in stem ranged from 0.018 to 1.325μmol·g-1DW,and ranged from 0.069 to 1.628μmol·g-1DW. Relative percentage of RAA content in stem and leaf of broccoli was 61.12%and 71.51% than that in curd,respectively.Relative percentage of RAA content in stem and leaf of cauliflower was 15.08%and 40.18%higher than that in curd,respectively.Among three organs of broccoli,the curd had the highest content of SUL(2.672μtmol·g-1DW),then was the stem(1.044μmol·g-1DW),the content of the leaf was lowest (0.429μmol·g-1DW).For cauliflower,the leaf had the highest content of SUL(0.47μmol·g-1 DW),then was the curd(0.106μmol·g-1DW),the content of the stem was lowest (0.097μmol·g-1DW).The conversion rate that glucoraphanin was hydrolyzed by myrosinase to produces sulforaphane was higher in curd and leaf(higher than 45%) and lower in stem(37.1%and 38.6%) for broccoli and cauliflower.


