

Research on Fine Three Dimensional Seismic Exploration Technique in Complex Structure Zone of Qinglongtai

【作者】 潘尚文

【导师】 王南萍; 张新华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着油气勘探开发的不断深入,辽河油田油气开发的难度日益显现,以往主要是针对中、浅层进行的常规三维地震资料已不能满足现阶段勘探深层、复杂断裂带、岩性圈闭等隐蔽性油气藏的需求。从2000年开始,辽河油田针对目标区开展了精细三维地震勘探工作,通过技术进步、装备更新,精细采集的地震资料品质有了较大幅度的提高,经处理、解释发现和落实多个有利圈闭。以往勘探开发资料显示,青龙台-牛居地区不仅是辽河盆地东部凹陷一个较有希望的地区,也是资料品质较差的地区,尤其深层,主要分布在复杂断裂带、火山岩发育区、地层埋藏深度较大的区域以及地表条件较差的地区。如何通过运用新技术来提高频宽、改善资料信噪比,对进一步加快该区的开发,有非常重要的意义。依据研究目标,论文首先详细分析了研究区的地震地质条件,并对以前的井资料、采集方法以及老单炮、老剖面进行了详尽的技术分析,找出了影响资料品质的主要原因,针对目标区的采集技术难点,进一步开展了精细表层调查技术、高精度测量技术、最佳激发技术、复杂构造区观测系统设计、叠前深度偏移处理技术等研究,最后结合现场试验结果,优化出一套行之有效的采集配套技术方案,那就是:激发深度选择在低速带以下4-5m处的细沙中激发;不同构造带采用不同的观测系统和由单井激发到四井组合激发的变井数激发方式;炮点过大型村镇时运用高精度数字地图辅助变观;在室内运用叠前深度偏移技术。通过以上技术方法的应用,使研究区的地震资料品质得到大幅度的提高,新采集剖面构造形态完整、断裂清晰、波组特征明显、层间信息丰富、频宽比以往提高了30Hz,达到了研究目标。

【Abstract】 With the development of prospecting and exploitation of oil and gas, the oil and gas exploitation become more difficult in Liaohe Oil Field. Today, the ancient 3D seismic data cannot satisfy the exploration requirement of the deep layers, complicated fault and other hidden oil reservoir. Since 2000, Fine 3D seismic exploration has been developed in Liaohe Oil Field. Through improving seismic acquisition technology and updating the equipments, we made such a great progress in the quality of seismic data. After processing and interpretation, we discovered many favorable traps. From the former exploring and exploitation information, we know that Qinglongtai zone is worth exploiting, but the quality of seismic data is very bad, especially the deep layer. Most traps locate in complicated rift zone, volcanic area, deeper layer and bad surface condition’s area. It is significant to improve the band of frequency and the ratio of signal and noise in this area’s exploration.According to the quality index of acquisition, we analyzed Qinglongtai’s seismic and geological conditions firstly. Then we find out the main reasons which affect quality index through the analysis of the well logging data and old seismic data. Aim at the difficulties of acquisition in the target area, we conducted the technical research which include the fine surface layer survey, high precision topography survey, optimum source parameters and geometry design of complicated structure, pre-stack depth migration processing. At last we work out an optimal method: the exploding in fine sand, under the low velocity layer 4-5 meters. According to different geological structure, we adopted different seismic acquisition geometry and well number shooting method. Through the application of new technology, we have improved the quality of seismic data. The form of structure and fault are clear, the ratio of signal and noise is higher on the new seismic section. The main frequency is improved about 30 Hz. We realized the researching purpose.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【下载频次】123

