

Study of Sampling about Treatment in Soil Contaminated by Volatile Organic Compound

【作者】 赵磊

【导师】 周辉峰; 朱文鉴;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,我国经济快速发展带来的环境恶化问题突兀。土壤和地下水环境的恶化对我国人民身体健康有着直接影响,我国对土壤以及地下水的污染也越来越重视。治理污染土壤以及被污染的地下水,首先要勘查污染区域,界定污染范围,探明污染物所在地层的地质条件,了解污染物在土壤中存在状态。根据调查结果制定治理方案,利用物理化学和生物的方法进行污染土壤的修复。在土壤修复过程中以及修复工程结束后对土壤中的污染物进行跟踪监测,了解污染治理工程的进度,检验治理的效果。可以说,整个土壤污染治理的工艺流程都需要对污染土壤的取样调查。结合钻探工程专业技术,借鉴国内外在土壤环境监测以及治理污染的方法,研究污染土壤的取样技术是很有必要的。本文依托中国地质大学(北京)科学钻探国家专业实验室设立的定向水平井土壤解污治理技术设计课题,针对挥发性有机物对土壤和地下水环境的污染,考虑到此类污染物所存在的地层深度,在土壤中的物理状态,讨论了其在土壤中的污染机理,介绍了利用综合了物理化学和生物的土壤蒸气抽提技术。列举了目前国内外应用于土壤取样的几种勘查钻机以及配套取样钻具,介绍了其钻进工艺。另外,取样勘查钻进工艺的基础上稍加改进,便可完成对土壤环境监测井的施工。通过对取样机具的比较,最终确定取样钻具的设计方案,设计了能够获取土壤中土样、水样和气样的一套轻便型钻具,在进行定向水平钻进实现水平方向的取样。取样钻具经过设计加工,按照设定的取样钻进工艺,进行了实地取样实验,测试了钻具的性能。经过测试,钻具基本上能按原定计划取出样品,且效果良好。针对取样过程中出现的一些问题,对钻具的改进提出建议。

【Abstract】 China’s rapid economic development brought about the unexpected deterioration of the environment in recent years. The contaminated soil and groundwater have a direct impact on our healthy. Our country is also focusing on the pollution of soil and groundwater. Investigate the polluted soil, define the scope of the contamination, survey the geological conditions of the pollutants is necessary before rehabilitating the contaminated soil and groundwater. We could have a remediation by physical, chemical and biological methods due to the survey. We could monitor and track the pollutants during and after remediation. So we acquire the effect of the soil cure engineering. Typically, sampling and indagation in polluted soil is the key in the remedion.Combine with drilling engineering, and soil environment monitoring and rescuing, it’s indispensable to do some research in sampling. This paper rely on the horizontal wells in the soil solution-oriented pollution control method. Arming at the volatile organic contamination in soil, introducing the soil vapor extraction which inosculates physical, chemical and biological methods. Drilling rigs and tools, technics applied in sampling in China and other countries is specialized in this article too. Otherwise, we could upgrade this sampling technique to construct monitoring well. Design the sampling drilling tools came after the comparison of many tools. These tools could pick up soil, ground water and gas. They could have sample in horizontal direction as well. We test these drilling tools in fieldwork after manufactured. These tools is good at in sampling. However, we find some problems about them. We hope to do something to consummate them.

  • 【分类号】X53
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】214

