

The Design and Research of Soil Repair Horizontal Directional Well Well Completion Technology and Pipeline Assembly

【作者】 冉灵杰

【导师】 刘宝林;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,工业废水、生活污水、石油管路的溢泄、垃圾堆放填埋地的淋滤、农药化肥的不科学使用等造成了土壤环境的严重污染。土壤环境污染给人类生活和社会经济的可持续发展造成了严重的危害,因此土壤环境的保护与治理已经成为不可忽视的问题。针对目前我们土壤环境的现状,为保障我国人民的健康和社会经济的可持续发展,开展先进的土壤解污治理技术研究是十分必要的。水平定向钻进技术在土壤环境治理中的应用是指采用水平定向钻进技术施工水平井用于土壤环境治理。采用水平井进行土壤环境治理有一定的优势,采用水平定向井进行土壤解污治理可以克服垂直井不能治理的障碍物下的污染土壤的问题,并且水平定向井与土壤的接触面积更加大,效率更高。非开挖水平定向井土壤解污治理技术的研究是多领域、跨学科交叉的前沿课题,该项研究涉及钻探工程、环境工程、地质工程、机械设计等相关学科领域。本文主要研究以下内容:(1)土壤解污治理的定向水平井成井工艺;(2)土壤解污治理的定向水平井完井工艺;(3)解污治理定向水平井管线总成的设计;(4)同时对所研究的内容进行了现场试验。通过本文对土壤解污治理的定向水平井的成井和完井工艺的研究及现场试验,取得的成果包括:设计完成了一套完整的适合土壤解污治理的定向水平井的完井工艺;完成了用于水平定向井的管线总成的结构设计;试验中取得了一定的研究成果,同时对试验中存在的技术和问题进行了分析并提出了改进方案。该论文的研究填补了我国在土壤解污方面的水平定向井治理技术的空白,探索出适合我国国情的水平井治理污染方法,为今后此类技术的研究和应用提供了参考。在研究及试验中存在一些问题,较成熟的技术还需要不断地试验与改进。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s socio-economic, industrial wastewater, sewage, the oil pipeline spill, the rubbish piling up in landfill leaching, chemical fertilizers, etc caused serious soil environmental pollution. Soil pollution to human life and socio-economic sustainable development has resulted in serious harm. In view of the current status of our soil environment and to protect our people’s health and socio-economic sustainable development, it is essential to research advanced soil pollution repair technology.Horizontal Directional Drilling soil environment repair technology is repair the polluted soil use horizontal directional well. Use of horizontal wells for soil environment has some advantages: horizontal wells can repair the polluted soil under the obstacles that the vertical wells can not be able to overcome, and more contact area with soil, more efficient. Horizontal Directional Drilling soil environment repair technology is many areas of interdisciplinary cross the forefront of issues; it involve drilling engineering, environmental engineering, geological engineering, mechanical design and other related areas.This paper studies the following content: (1) horizontal directional well drilling technology; (2) repair horizontal directional well completion technology; (3) pipeline assembly design. (4) test the content that studied.Through the research and experiment, the results include: design well completion technology which fit for soil environment repair; packer structure design. Analysis of the issues and improve the program.The research fills the gap that use horizontal directional well to repair polluted soil in China, provide reference research and application for future.

  • 【分类号】X53
  • 【下载频次】82

