

Research on the Analysis and Optimization of Landscape Pattern in Qingxian County

【作者】 陈湄

【导师】 付梅臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着首部《城乡规划法》的出台,统筹城乡发展,促进合理布局,将是一个研究热点。景观生态学作为一门新兴的交叉学科,其生态观念的引入为认识和解决日益尖锐化的复杂环境问题提供新思路,是城乡规划建设研究中的一个突破,对促进城乡一体化协调发展具有重要的现实意义。本文在景观生态学思想的指导下,以河北省青县整个县域为研究范围,从景观生态学的角度切入城乡景观格局的动态变化分析与优化的应用研究,以探索在城乡一体化快速发展过程中生态环境压力增强与人类活动强度异常巨大的情况下,景观生态学在我国城乡规划中的应用途径。主要研究内容是,在GIS技术支持下划分青县景观类型,通过景观格局分析软件FRAGSTAT,从时间上和空间上分别对青县的景观格局动态变化进行定量分析。然后,探求影响青县整体景观生态空间格局变化的驱动力因素。借助SPSS统计分析功能,采用主成分分析法定量分析影响青县整体景观生态空间格局动态演变的经济驱动力,从而为青县景观格局优化提供依据。研究结果表明,青县景观构成以耕地为主,景观优势度明显。研究期间耕地面积减少程度明显,园林地、城乡建设用地等不同程度扩展,县域整体景观破碎度加大,景观蔓延度下降,景观多样性增加,整体景观水平向非单一化和均衡化发展。从空间分布角度看,乡镇间景观格局变化差异显著。金牛镇耕地类型比重最大,自然连结度良好。清州镇城乡用地增加最为明显,景观多样性指数最大,表明其景观类型趋向均匀度化。总体来看,各乡镇耕地类型减少,城乡建设用地、园林地等用地类型的增加,景观破碎程度加大。最后,通过建立绿色生态廊道,均衡合理分布城乡绿地斑块,模糊城镇中心与乡村的界限,构建青县城乡空间布局与景观格局相融为一体的景观安全格局,形成以京杭运河段为景观生态轴、以城区为中心的开放式城乡景观生态系统。以达到改善人居环境,促进青县城乡经济、社会与环境可持续发展的目的。

【Abstract】 As Urban and Rural Planning Law has come on, it will be a hot issue that how to make unified plan and rationally arrange the layout of urban and rural area. Landscape ecology, which is a new interdiscipline, provides with a new thought as understanding and solving the complicated environmental problem. And breathroughs are also made in the research of urban and rural construction. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to put the theory of landscape ecology into practice, with the purpose of cooridinating the development between cities and the countryside.Based on the principle of landscape ecology, the dissertation, which takes a case of Qingxian County, researches on the dynamics state of landscape pattern in the urban and rural area. The main object of the study is to discusses approaches to apply the concepts of landscape ecology to urban and rural planning, in the event of sharp contradiction between human and environmental resources.The main context for study as follows: the landscape of Qingxian County is classified by means of GIS. Then with the help of FRAGSTATS, this paper analyzes the characters of landscape pattern change in Qingxian County, from two-dimensional analysis of space and time. Principal Components Analysis is used to study the economic drive force, which has great influence on the dynamics state of landscape pattern in Qingxian County, by means of SPSS. It aims to provide a basis for the optimization of landscape pattern in Qingxian CountyThe research results showed that the landscape of Qingxian County consists chiefly of cultivated land. During study time, cultivated land has decrease sharply, as well as garden land and construction area has increased differently. On the one hand, the landscape fragmentation of the whole county increased remarkably, the landscape contagion decreased, and the landscape diversity increased gradually. And the landscape pattern tends to balanced development. On the other hand, the change of landscape pattern between countryside has notable differences. The landscape in Jinniu Countryside has a nice connectivity, and the landscape diversity in Qingzhou Countryside increased obviously. In a word, cultivated land of different counties has decreased, garden land and construction area has increased, and he landscape fragmentation has increased clearly.Finally, through forming green ecological corridor and rationally arranging the layout of green area, the landscape security pattern of urban and rural in Qingxian County has been builded. An optimized spatial design for landscape ecological system in Qingxian County was propsed, in order to improve the environment for human settlement and promote sustainable development between the economy、the society and the environment.

【关键词】 景观生态景观格局分析优化青县
【Key words】 landscape ecologylandscape patternanalyzeoptimizedQingxian County
  • 【分类号】TU986;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】298
  • 攻读期成果

