

Structure of Ore-controlling and Element Geochemistry Characteristics of Shangzhuang Gold Deposit, Shandong Province, China

【作者】 周雷

【导师】 杨立强;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 区域构造不仅是金矿床形成的重要条件,而且直接控制着金矿带、金矿田的空间分布。胶东矿集区金成矿作用与一定的构造热事件相联系。伴随构造热事件所产生的矿液运移、聚集以及沉淀成矿都受成矿时期构造运动产生的构造形迹控制。断裂构造是其中最主要的形式,它发育在地壳的不同深度和圈层,对各种矿化起着不同的控制作用。望儿山断裂位于胶东招远与莱州交界地区的焦家-新城金矿田中,为焦家断裂带的分支断裂,上庄金矿床位于望儿山断裂的北段。与胶西北矿集区其它构造成矿带不同,上庄矿区地质结构具有独特之处;矿区地质体具有垂向双层结构,上部为玲珑花岗岩,下部为郭家岭花岗岩,两者为侵入接触,并同时发育韧性变形;倾向NW的犁式望儿山断裂是控矿断裂,矿体主要赋存于热液蚀变和破碎程度较高的断裂带上盘靠近主断裂面处。地球化学数据显示成矿流体的母岩与郭家岭花岗岩形成环境相似。通过对上庄矿区野外构造形迹详细解剖及受力分析,将区域构造演化了经历了四期变形:早期韧性变形、NE向水平单剪、NE向压扭性剪切与NW向挤压;最大主应力由NE向向NW向挤压逐步过渡,成矿作用发生于构造运动的第三期。成矿期压扭性构造应力场形成了入字型构造、正花状构造等多种形迹,矿体主要分布于整体压性的等间距分布张性空间中,张性空间包括断裂分支与复合部位、断层产状变化部位及节理发育部位等。通过元素质量平衡计算解释了成矿过程中体系的元素行为规律:蚀变带中心蚀变岩的成分变异强度最大,大量渗透性流体携带活泼组分进入扩容带,对成矿元素(Au)进一步富集,相关元素(Ag、Cu、Zn、Hg、Pb)活化转移产生重要的影响。从原岩郭家岭花岗岩蚀变成绢英岩,最终变成硅化蚀变岩,其体积扩容率平均值分别为33.87%和28.47%。从远离蚀变带的原岩到蚀变的中心地带,硅化、钾长石化明显增强,主要表现为硅化、钾长石化张性细网脉带产出。这种细网脉带的广泛存在反映了成矿期裂隙带的普遍发育。构造裂隙带是携带成矿物质的成矿流体运移的通道和沉淀的场所,是矿化的有利部位。

【Abstract】 The Shangzhuang altered-rock type gold ore deposit is located in the middle segment of the Wangershan fault zone in the northwestern part in the Jiaodong gold province, China. Different from other tectonic metallogenic belts in Jiaodong Northwest gold deposit, Shangzhuang gold deposit has its own characteristics in structure; for example, the geological body in the mining area has double-layer structures in the vertical. Linglong granite in the upper is intrusive contacted with the Guojialing granite in the lower, developing ductile deformation.The wedge Wangershan fault trending NW is the controlling fracture, the orebody is mainly loacated on the hanging wall of the fault belt with strongly hydrothermal alternation and high degree of crushing near the main fault. Geochemical data shows that the formation environment of the original rock of ore-forming fluid is similar to that of Guojialing granite. By the analyses of structural features and mechanics in Shangzhuang mining area, It is revealed that the deformation evolution has mainly undergone four phases: the early ductile deformation, the second NE-striking horizontal simple shear, the third NE-striking compression-shear shear and the final NW-striking compression; and the mineralization happened during the third stage in which the maximum principal stress gradually transited from NE to NW. The compression-shear strain field during the mineralization is characterized by theλ-type structure, the positive flower structure, etc. Orebodies are mostly equidistantly located in the dilatational space, which is distributed in the integral compressional circumstances. And the dilatational spaces are developed where the fault attitude changes or shear joint systems develop.The calculation of the elemental mass balance interprets by elemental calculation to explains the elementary activity law: the composition of alteration rock in the central of alteration belt has the largest degree of variation, a large number of permeability fluid carry active components into the dilation space, which has significance to the further enrichment of the ore-forming element(Au) and the remobilization of correlative elements (Ag, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb). The original rock Guojialing granite is altered to sericite-quartz and change into siliconization alteration rock in the end, the average volume expansion ratio of them are 33.87% and 28.47%. From the original rock far away from the alteration zone to the central of the alteration zone, siliconization and potash feldspathization increase, manifesting as the generation of siliconization and potash feldspathization tension veinlet zone. The extensive exist of veinlet zone indicate the general development of fracture during the ore-forming period. Tectonic fracture zone is not only the transportation channel and precipitated space of ore-forming fluid carrying minerals, but also the favorable position of the mineralization.


