

The Legal Problems Research of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trade

【作者】 王宁

【导师】 郝举;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 气候变化问题兴起于20世纪80年代,是一个极其复杂而长期的全球性问题。为了减缓和适应全球气候变化,减少温室气体排放,各国开展了广泛的合作。近十年来,随着冰川的不断消融、海平面的迅猛上升,气候变化问题已经被国际社会列入重点讨论议程。国际社会开始采用各种手段来控制温室气体排放,《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《京都议定书》都建立起了温室气体排放权交易的相关制度,各国也都通过实践对温室气体的排放做出了细致而合理的规定。而随着限排措施中经济和法律手段被广泛的运用,运用市场经济调控温室气体排放的体制应运而生,即温室气体排放权交易开始形成。排放权交易所蕴含的双赢优势在日益要求经济和环境协调发展的背景下不断显现,已经有越来越多的国家和组织认识到了它的商业契机,开始不断地从经济和法律角度思考,提炼出它所蕴含的经济和法律价值,进而制定出更为科学可行的经济政策和法律规范,以求从更大程度上保护其顺利发展。我国作为自然资源的消费大国,一直将防治温室气体排放作为环境保护工作的一项重要任务,2005年10月,国家发展改革委员会、科技部、外交部、财政部确立了《清洁发展机制项目运行管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),确立了在中国申请、初评、审核、批准、评估、登记、报告、监督、核证和签发CDM项目的具体程序。但总体而言,我国有关温室气体排放权交易的政策和法律还相当滞后,迄今还没有专门的法律来规定排放权交易。因此还需要从法律的层面上推行排放权交易、建立和规制排放权转让市场。本文基于上述背景和思想,在第一部分进行详细分析,提出了温室气体排放权交易制度的建立和完善对我国的经济发展与环境协调具有的重要研究意义。紧接着在第二部分对国内外研究现状进行了分析对比,提出了我国温室气体排放权交易相关制度在立法及监督机制等方面还存在不足,改进工作任重而道远。在第三部分提出了文章的研究方法,试图运用体系化的思考,深入研究并思索我国有关温室气体排放权交易制度及其法律完善问题,并在此基础上提出需要进一步完善的意见。最后总结本文,在借鉴前人研究成果基础之上又提出了自己的观点。

【Abstract】 The climate change issues arose in the 1980s, it is an extremely complex and long-term global issue. In order to slow down and adapt to the climate change and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, the countries carries out extensive cooperation. Over the past decades, with the glacier melting and the sea continuously rising rapidly, the climate change has been listed in the international community on the agenda. The international community has taken various measures to control the greenhouse-gas emissions, the <United Nations framework convention on climate change>, and Kyoto Protocol are established greenhouse gas emissions trading system, the countries are also carried practices to make careful and reasonable regulations about greenhouse gas emissions. Along with the economical and legal measures are widely used in the limited measures ,it truly arises to use the market economic system to regulate the emissions of greenhouse gases, and the greenhouse gas emissions trade begins to form. The emissions exchange in the win-win advantage is required in the coordinated development of economy and environment background, and there are more and more countries and organizations recognizes its business opportunities, and begin to think from economic and legal perspective, extract its economic and legal value, and then develop more scientific and feasible economic policies and regulations, in order to protect the smooth development from a larger extent.China as a big country on consumption of natural resources, has controled greenhouse gas emissions of environmental protection work as an important task. In October 2005, the national development and reform commission ministry of science and technology, ministry of finance, has established the CDM project management method "(hereinafter referred to as methods), it was established the application、review,approval,registration,evaluation,report,supervision,certified and issued the CDM project specific procedures in china. But overall, our country related greenhouse gas emissions trading policies and laws are fairly lag, it does’t have special laws to regulate the emissions trading. Therefore, it also needs the legal aspects to implement the emissions trading, establish and regulate the emissions transfer market. Based on the background and thoughts, it makes a detailed analysis on the first part, and point out that the it is important research to establish and perfect the system of greenhouse gas emissions trading on the coordination of economic development and the environment. In the second part, it is analyzed the research situation and compared China with other countries and proposes that the greenhouse gas emissions trading system have some disadvantages in legislation and supervision mechanism, and the improvement work still has a long time to go. In the third part, it is proposed the method, and tries to use the systemization of thinking to research deeply and think about the greenhouse gas emissions trading system and the legal perfection problems, and on this base to further perfection. Finally, it summarizes the research foundation and presented my views.

  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】427

