

The Evaluation of Ecological Vulnerability Basing GIS

【作者】 李妍

【导师】 白中科;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 生态环境是人类生存和发展的基础。人口的急剧增加和资源的不合理利用,使生态系统自身的协调能力不断下降,人类的生存环境呈现出越来越脆弱的趋势。脆弱性问题成为当今全人类共同面对且需迫切研究解决的重大问题。开采矿产资源是人类活动对土地生态系统的破坏,各项工程措施会对土壤性状、生物多样性、生态系统稳定性等有一定的负面影响。土地复垦是对矿山开采产生的影响进行生态修复。为了评价矿区开采前原地貌、矿区开采破坏土地及土地复垦地的生态环境脆弱性变化情况,本文引入了数学模型进行定量计算,得出矿山开采在一定程度上破坏了区域的生态环境,土地复垦活动能在一定程度上改善区域生态环境。本文共分五大部分:第一部分为绪论。综述国内外生态环境脆弱性的研究进展,阐明生态环境脆弱性评价研究的迫切性和必要性。并且确定了本次研究的研究目的、意义和研究的整体思路。第二部分为生态环境脆弱性的有关理论。阐述了生态环境脆弱性的基本概念及脆弱生态环境产生的原因,并分析了脆弱生态环境的特性。第三部分主要对研究区的自然环境概况、工程概况及社会经济条件进行了概述,并对研究区生态环境脆弱性的形成原因及结果表现进行了分析。第四部分为生态环境脆弱性的评价建模。以平朔矿区为评价对象,以生态环境脆弱性的理论研究为基础,以成因-结果表现指标体系为指标概念框架,选取了自然资源子系统、环境子系统、经济子系统、社会发展子系统等评价指标,并介绍了各评价因子的数据来源和处理,建立了脆弱性评价模型。最后对研究区开矿前原地貌、矿区开采破坏地及土地复垦地的生态脆弱性结果进行了讨论说明。第五部分为结论。总结了本文的主要成果及结论、创新之处,并针对研究中存在的不足,指出了进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Ecological environment is the basic of the human being’s surviving and developing.Because of the rapid increasing of the population and the irrational use of the resources, the own coordination capacity of the ecosystem decline and the survival environment of the human being shows a trend of more and more fragile.vulnerability is a major problem which the human being must face and have a urgent need to study and solve.Exploitation of mineral resources is the human activity which damages the land ecosystem.Engineering measures will lead a certain degree of negative impact on the soil properties,biodiversity and ecosystem stability.Land reclamation is an ecological restoration to the impact of mining exploitation.In order to evaluate the study area before and after mining and land reclamation after the eco-environment changes in vulnerability,a mathematical model is inducted in this paper for a quantitative calculation.To some extent,mining exploitation underminded the regin’s ecological environment,land reclamation improved the regional ecological environment.This paper is divided into five major parts:The first part is the introduction.It explains the paper research background;the present situation of domestic and foreign ecological vulnerability research object;and it identified the purpose,significance and the overall outlook in the study.The second part is the ecological environment vulnerability theory.By summing up the basic concept and analyzing the reason which makes the fragile ecological vulnerability and analyses the characteristics and types of the fragile ecological environment.The third part mainly the overview of the natural environment,engineering and socio-economic conditions in the study area and analyzes the formational reasons and performance results.The forth part is ecological vulnerability assessment modeling.With the Pingshuo mining area to be the evaluation target,the theoretical study of Eco-environment being the basis,the cause-results of system performance indicators being the conceptual framework for the indicators,it selectd the evaluation indicators such as sub-systems of natural social development subsystem,ect.And it introduces the orgin and processing the data resource of the evaluation factors and establishes a vulnerability assessment model.Finally,the paper discusses and explains the ecological fragile results in the study area before and after mining and land reclamation.The fifth part is the conclusions and prospects.This part summarizes the main results and conclusions of innovation,research and absence.Then the direction for further research is pointed out.


