

The Integrated Application of Network Analyst on Water Supply System in Shenyang City

【作者】 曹颖

【导师】 付宗堂;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水是人类社会进步发展不可缺少的自然资源,而我国是一个水资源短缺的国家,水资源现状非常不容乐观,加上国民对水资源的一些错误认识和相对较低的节水意识,以及一些客观原因都造成了水资源的巨大浪费。近年来,我国的城市供水事业发展非常迅猛,越来越多的人都成为了供水的受益者,城市供水管网已经成为一个城市的生命线。伴随着这些发展的同时,城市供水管网也存在一些问题亟待解决。首先,城市供水规模很大,供水管网覆盖于整个给水区域,管线纵横交错,并且城市输配水管网组成越来越复杂,数据量日益增大,传统的管理方式已经不能满足要求;其次,管网的跑、冒、滴、漏现象很普遍,需要更及时准确对这些现象进行判断分析;再次,日常工作中一些问题(如选址、水资源分配等)在进行决策的时候需要一种直观的科学依据。总之,我国的城市供水事业面临着更高的挑战,要用一种全新的管理方式和手段来提高供水企业的生产、管理效率,合理开发利用水源,从而满足因城市发展加快、城市基础设施增加以及人口的不断增长对供水管网提出的需求。本论文的研究出发点就是基于上述的一些问题,主要工作有:首先,认真研究和探讨了GIS在不用领域的应用情况;归纳了供水行业的特点,供水行业涉及的主要都是管网、管网附属设施以及交通网等带有空间信息的数据,而这些正是GIS的研究对象,因此,在发挥GIS管理数据的优势的同时,更要充分运用其网络分析功能,为供水行业服务。其次,对GIS的网络分析功能进行全方位的研究,包括:常用的网络类型及其应用范围,网络数据的组成结构、要素之间的拓扑及连通规则等,最重要的是网络分析的关键问题-----最短路径的求解,文中讲解了两种最具代表性的算法及其常用的解题范围。再次,以沈阳市供水系统数据为基础,结合供水工作中的实际问题,再现了效用网络和传输网络两种模型的构建过程,并且对查找分离要素、查找环路、寻找最佳路径、计算服务区等功能进行了应用分析。使GIS作为辅助决策工具的作用得以充分体现。

【Abstract】 Water is indispensable to human survival. In China, water shortage is highly serious and the quantity per capita is only a quarter of the world average. Water resource scarcity has been one of the key factors retarding the economic growth and building of a well-off society in an all-round way. In rencent years, The water supply industry in our country has developed greatly .But at the same time,so many questions in water supply networks to be solved. With the development of computer technology and management science, providing decision support for water supply optimal control and applying DSS in the water service field were the direction of municipal water service management. GIS can analyses the accidents of the water supply network and assists the administrators to deal with the mishap, which improves the managing level and the efficiency of unexpected things.The thesis is based on the above-mentioned problems, the main work are:First, studied and discussed the application of GIS in different fields carefully. Generalized the features of Water supply industry.All water and its ancillary facilities,and transport network,are the objects of GIS studying.Second, had a comprehensive study on GIS network analyst, including: the types of networks and its application fields,the structure of network data, the topology of elements,and connectivity in elemwnts.The focus is solving the shortest path,which is the key issues of network analyst.Finally, introduce the process of building two types network modles combination of practical problems based on the water supply data of Shenyang City. And then, analyse the problems by Find Disconnected、Find Loops、Finding a best route、Findind a service area etc.

  • 【分类号】P208;TU991
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】180

