

Research on Probability Tomography of Geophysical Field

【作者】 崔欣

【导师】 孟小红;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文给出了各种地球物理位场的相关成像和联合相关成像理论。研究了重力、磁法和自然电位自适应联合相关成像方法。根据密度、磁性和电性之间的相关关系(即正相关、负相关和不相关等),建立了联合相关成像的方式。利用测量到的地球物理场与相应的扫描场函数进行归一化的互相关运算,求取地下异常场源的特征及其分布。对相关成像方法进行了改进,利用改进后的相关成像方法对各种单体模型和复杂组合模型做了实验研究,对成像的分辨能力给出系统分析和评价。论文对扫描函数的改进提出了三种方法,并应用于模型试验中,成像效果明显提高。将高阶求导扫描函数应用于异常体垂直边界的定位,成像效果十分明显,分辨率有很大的提高;将深度加权扫描函数应用于囊状体,解决对异常体下部边界收敛问题;将自适应多次迭代应用于稀疏矩阵模型进行位场相关成像,效果改善明显,图像的分辨率明显提高,并且该改进方法具有良好的稳定性和收敛性。提出广义相关成像的概念,推广了相关成像方法的适用范围。在此基础上,以重力场为例进行地球物理模型的建模和地球物理数据的正反演,以及对比分析。模型试验中,在技术上对程序算法的实现,公式离散化,活动窗口的选取和尺度等问题进行了探索性的实现和改进。将解析表达式的三度体重力异常场公式转化为可直接用于计算机编程运的有限求和公式,便于计算机编程实现各种场的模拟。讨论了有效深度、滑动窗口、扩边插值尺度的具体问题,提出实际解决方案,并在后期模型试验的时候加以运用,取得了良好的实验效果。对二度体模型和组合三维模型进行了正演,并对正演数据做了改进扫描函数后的相关成像试验,较之早期的点扫描函数成像效果明显提高。本文最后对两套实测数据进行了位场相关成像处理,取得了良好的效果,并结合商业软件进行了效果比对。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the derivation of various characteristics of the geophysical field theory as well as the integrated probability tomography. Research on the Integrated probability tomography of the gravity, magnetic and self-potential fields. probability tomography is essentially the normalized cross-correlation of the geophysical field and the back-projection kernel function.Improved imaging methods and done a large number of tests with various of models, and Resolving power of the imaging system analysis and evaluation is given. proposed to improve the scanning function with three methods, and gained a high quality image in the tests with the models. Higher derivative scanning function can be used in locationing the Vertical boundary of abnormal body. Depth-weighted scan function adapt the layered model, and has the effect of solving convergence issues the abnormal body. Self-adapt scanning function is good at the geophysics field which generate with the sparse matrix source, and this method has good stability and convergence. Spread the Generalized probability tomography for further. On this basis, as an example to the gravity field for geophysical modeling and geophysical data inversion, as well as comparative analysis.Model tests carried out to explore and improve the realization of algorithm procedure, discretization formula, selection and scale of the sliding window. Change the analytical expression formula of the anomaly field sourced with three-body into limited summation formula which computer programming can be delivered directly. Discussed and solving the effective depth, sliding window, while expanding scale interpolation problems. With a result in the model test.Proved the resolving power in the tomography of the field which generated with two-dimensional models and the combination of three-dimentional models. At the last, compared the image which processed two real data with the generalized probability tomography with what used the commercial software COSCAD.

  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【下载频次】216

