

A Study on English Blended Learning at Vocational Colleges

【作者】 聂虹

【导师】 董广才;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 英语教学, 2008, 硕士

【副题名】A Case Study of Neusoft Information Institute

【摘要】 中国目前有多少人在学习英语是一个很难确切统计的数字。即使尚在幼儿园的小朋友都已经开始学习英语了,英语学习在中国的普及程度可见一般。英语教学的改革是大势所趋。2004年1月30日教育部印发的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》认为:“新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑,使英语的教与学可以在一定程度上不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化和自主学习方向发展。”这个要求为英语教学带来了新的机遇和挑战。一些院校已经开始将这个要求付诸实施。为了更好地贯彻这个要求,有必要对当前的应用情况进行调查研究。基于这样的背景,笔者提出了本研究题目。混合学习(blended learning)的概念自2003年由何克抗教授引进以来,一直受到国内学者的关注,这是因为混合学习是对传统教学改革和对e-learning反思后变革的融合点。(赵丽娟,2004)论文首先陈述了自主学习、混合学习的各种定义,归纳整理了当前网络环境下混合学习的特点和优势,接着分析了语言学和学习的相关理论,据此找到了自主学习、人本主义、社会建构主义是混合学习应用于英语教学的理论基石。调查问卷,旨在调查东软信息学院实行混合学习的现状,并在对一些学生做访谈的基础上,分析形成这种现状的原因。笔者得出结论,学生喜欢混合学习的模式,混合学习模式需要老师和学生投入更多的时间和精力。最后,笔者呈现了一个混合学习的教学过程模式流程。

【Abstract】 English is widely used all over the world. Concerning the large size of Chinese population, it is hard to get the correct number of how many Chinese are learning English. Even the little kids in the kindergarten start to learn English before they start to learn Chinese characters. Chinese government has placed on the agenda an educational reform on English teaching and learning.In 2004, the Education Ministry issued College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation). This requirement regulates:“The new teaching model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology so that English language teaching will be free from the constraints of time or place and geared toward students’individualized and autonomous learning.”This new teaching requirement brings new opportunities to English teaching and learning. Some universities and colleges have started to apply it to the daily teaching and learning. It is necessary to survey the present situation of the application of blended learning. It is significantly important for the teachers to build an appropriate teaching model, which can take good use of modern technology. For such purpose, the researcher proposes the present study.Since blended learning was introduced to China by professor He Kekang in 2003, it has been a matter of concern to domestic scholars. This is because blended learning serves as a connecting point of traditional teaching and e-learning. (Zhao Lijuan, 2004)This thesis begins with all kinds of its definitions of blended learning and then analyzes the characters and advantages of blended learning under the environment of the internet and presents related theories in linguistics and learning, based on these, the theoretical foundations of blended learning are presented.Then a questionnaire was made to investigate the current state of the application of the blended learning at Neusoft Information Technology institute. After the questionnaire was analyzed, some students are interviewed in order to find out the underlying factors responsible for the present situation.According to the findings from the survey, the researcher concludes that students like the learning style---- blended learning. And blended learning requires more involvement of teachers and students. At last, a model of blended learning process is presented.

【关键词】 混合学习英语教学教学模式
【Key words】 blended learningEnglish teachinglearning model
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】208

