

Research and Application on General Service and Information Management Platform for Science and Technology Enterprises

【作者】 崔英华

【导师】 张维石; 李舒明;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “十五”期间,大连市科技发展取得了一定的成绩,但面对科技竞争日益激烈的现实和经济社会可持续快速发展对自主创新能力提出的新需求,还存在一些亟待解决的问题。与北京、上海、深圳等国内先进地区相比,大连市科技竞争力上有一定差距。2004年,大连市全社会研究与试验开发(R.&D.)投入在全国43个大中城市中仅排名第28位。企业研究与试验开发投入占全社会投入比重为45.7%。研发、中试和产业化各环节的资金分配还不够合理。在创新投入、创新产出等方面,尚未形成以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研紧密结合的技术创新体系,缺乏有效整合科技资源的运行机制和为科技企业服务的资源开放与共享的综合服务平台。论文研究面向科技企业服务信息管理领域,为科技企业及管理部门提供公共技术支撑平台,开放和共享全市科技资源,从而提高大连市科技企业信息服务与管理水平,提高大连市科技企业的自主创新能力,实现大连市高新技术产业的跨越式发展,完成“十一五”大连科技发展的战略目标。论文通过对J2EE、Oracle数据库、Struts架构以及Hibernate技术的研究,完成了基于Hibernate框架的科技企业综合服务信息管理平台的设计与实现,对系统的需求、数据库设计以及功能模块的实现进行了详细的说明与研究,最后给出了论文的结论以及管理平台的发展展望。通过研究科技企业综合服务信息管理平台所需的关键支撑技术,建立科技企业综合服务信息管理平台,包括:高新技术企业认定支持系统、高新技术项目(产品)认定支持系统、民营科技企业信息采集系统、火炬计划项目信息采集系统、科技企业孵化器信息采集系统、区外高新技术企业信息采集系统。同时,建立大连市科技企业综合服务信息管理专业网站,进一步完善大连市科技企业信息服务与信息管理平台。

【Abstract】 During the period of "10th Five-Year Plan", scientific and technological development in Dalian City have made certain achievements, but in the face of increasingly fierce competition in science and technology and sustainable economic and social reality of the rapid development of the ability of independent innovation of the new demand, and there are still some issues requiring urgent solution. The competitiveness of science and technology in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other domestic is advanced than that in Dalian City on a certain gap. In 2004, the Dalian City-wide social research and experimental development (R. & D.) investment ranked only No. 28 in 43 large and medium-sized cities nationwide. Research and experimental development of enterprises investment is 45.7 percent in the proportion of the total investment. The allocation of funds in R. & D., pilot plant test and industrial sectors is not enough reasonable. Investment in innovation, and innovation output, and so on, has not yet formed to a technological innovation system in which enterprises are the mainstay; market is guideline; production, teaching and research are integrated closely. It is fact that lack of operational mechanisms of effective integration of scientific and technological resources and the Comprehensive Service platforms of opening up and sharing the resources to service for technology companies.Research of this thesis faces on science and technology business services area of information management, provides a public sector management technology platform for science and technology enterprises, opens up and shares the city’s scientific and technological resources and then enhances information service and management level of scientific and technological enterprises in Dalian, improves autonomy innovation capability of scientific and technological enterprises in Dalian, realizes High-Tech Industrial development of Dalian by leaps and bounds and completes strategic objectives of the science and technology development in Dalian "11th Five-Year Plan". Researches of this thesis complete the design and implementation of the general service and information management platform based on Hibernate technology framework using J2EE, Oracle database, Struts and Hibernate technology framework. System demands, database design and function modules for the realization are detailed described. Finally, the thesis gains the conclusion and the development of prospect management platform.Science and technology through research integrated enterprise information management platform for key support technology, the establishment of scientific and technological enterprises integrated information management platform, including: high-tech enterprises support system, high-tech projects (products) support system, private enterprise information technology acquisition system, Torch Project information collection systems, technology business incubators information collection system, outside the high-tech enterprises information collection system. At the same time, it establishes of scientific and technological enterprises in Dalian City general information management professional site, and further improves the technology in Dalian City Business information services and information management platform.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】149

