

A Study on the Economic Benefit of Vocational Education Investment

【作者】 韦语丹

【导师】 徐炳亭;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从职业教育投资经济效益的涵义和特点出发,分别从柳州职业教育的现状、柳州职业教育投资对国民经济的贡献及私人收益率对柳州职业教育投资效益进行了分析研究。最后根据余数分析法和其它的定性分析的分析结果,就如何提高柳州职业教育投资效益提出了相应的对策和建议。全文分三大部分:第一部分是理论分析部分,叙述了教育投资经济效益的概念及特点,并重点回顾了已有的教育投资经济效益理论:马克思的教育投资经济效益理论、舒尔茨的教育投资经济效益理论以及我国的相关理论探索,使读者对教育投资的经济效益在职业教育领域的体现有个初步的认识。第二部分是实证部分,文章在评价和探讨现有的研究成果上,主要对柳州的职业教育投资经济效益进行了实证分析。根据文献资料和调查取样的数据建立起计量模型,对柳州市职业教育投资经济效益进行了定量分析和定性分析。然后通过比较分析,对柳州市职业教育投资对国民经济发展的贡献率、对学校等事业机构、个人所起的作用进行了分析和评价。第三部分为对策和建议部分,根据前文分析,本人提出若干改善柳州市职业教育投资现状的建议,为提高柳州市职业教育投资经济效益,促进柳州市职业教育投资与柳州市经济协调发展提出了新思路。

【Abstract】 Beginning with the meaning and features of economic benefit of vocational education investment, this thesis analyzes the present situation, the contribution of vocational education investment to national economy, and the personal income rate of vocational education investment in Liuzhou city. Finally, it gives some corresponding measures and suggestions on how to improve the benefit of vocational education investment in Liuzhou city according to the results of study. The research methods involve arithmetical compliment analysis and Mincer equation analysis.The thesis divides into three parts:Part One is a theoretical introduction. It firstly explains the meanings and features of vocational education investment and economic benefit, then reviews the existing theories, which include Labor Value Theory of Marx, Human Capital investment Theory of Schultz and some relevant theories in China. This part is to give readers a primary understanding on the economic benefit in the field of vocational education investment.Part Two is a quantitative research on the economic benefit of vocational education investment in liuzhou. It builds an economic model according to the literature and the quantitative research data which combines quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. Finally, it analyzes and evaluates the contribution of vocational education investment to national economy and personal income rate.Part Three is mainly about measures and suggestions. Based on the preceding analysis, it gives several relevant suggestions on how to improve present situation of vocational education investment in Liuzhou. Finally, it puts forward some new ideas on increasing the benefits of vocational education investment and accelerating the development of vocational education and economy harmoniously in Liuzhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

