

Study on Control of Plane Beam String Structure Construction Process

【作者】 候会杰

【导师】 陈志华; 高秋利;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 张弦梁结构是一种新型复合屋盖结构形式,是通过撑杆将拱(梁)和索杂交而成。它充分发挥了拱型结构的受力优势同时充分利用索材的高抗拉强度,使结构集受力合理、施工快捷、形式简洁、造型新颖等众多优点于一身。本文在以往研究的基础上主要对平面张弦梁结构的施工过程控制进行了一些讨论与研究。本文以迁安文化会展中心工程的屋盖张弦梁结构为研究对象,对钢结构构件的制作,现场拼装,吊装方案的设计,预应力张拉,施工过程的监控等整个施工过程进行了较为详细的研究。首先,介绍了平面张弦梁制作过程中的索端节点部位厚板与铸钢件的焊接。对焊缝进行分类,重点攻克铸钢件与80厚钢板坡口节点设计及焊接工艺要求,编制了合理的焊接程序,有效的控制焊接变形和消除焊接应力,成功的解决了铸钢件与80厚钢板焊接的难题。其次,对平面张弦梁在吊装过程中结构及构件的稳定性进行了计算;探讨了设置临时支撑的最佳布置及对结构安全的影响,并对拆撑过程中的安全问题进行了初步的探讨;对平面张弦梁结构的整体提升方法进行了设计计算,通过ANSYS软件进行计算,提出了最佳方案选择的方法。此外,由于张弦梁结构为比较新颖的预应力钢结构体系,目前的施工技术还不够成熟,整个施工过程中张弦梁结构的受力比较复杂,更需要注意的是张弦梁结构中下弦索的受力情况,它直接关系着结构的最终形态和安全性,可能实际施工时的结构条件与计算假定有一定的出入,这使得理论分析结果与实际情况存在着一定误差,所以在施工过程中对结构进行实时监测是非常必要的,并给出了几种监测方法。最后,对平面张弦梁结构的特点进行了总结,并对平面张弦梁结构进一步研究内容,如预应力空间钢结构的新材料、新节点、新工艺,预拉力控制和模型计算方面专业化等问题进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Beam string structure (BSS) is a new kind of composed roof structures. Arch/beam and struts connected with cable were main components of BSS. Therefore, BSS have distinguish characteristics such as reasonable structure form, convenient construction, novel and terse model, because of the better compress bearing capacity of arch/beam and the better tension bearing capacity of cable. Based on the former research outcomes, this paper is mainly focused on the control of construction process for planar BSS.For a practical planar BSS construction process, the Qianan Cultural and Exhibition, research works carried out in this paper according to the steel structure manufacturing processing, on-site consolidation process, hoisting process,prestress tension process, construction monitoring process, etc…Firstly, the welding between steel castings and the thick plate of the cable end joints in the construction process was introduced and classified. In this process, the key problem of design and welding for steel castings and the 80 thick plate was study and was solved by compiling a reasonable welding program to control the welding deformation and to eliminate welding stress force effectively.Secondly, the stability of BSS and members in the hoisting process were calculated so that to study the influence and optimum design of temporary supports arrangement as well as the safety of BSS in these supports demolition process. By means of software ANSYS, the hoisting plan of BSS was calculated and was determined. As a new type of prestress steel structure, BSS has a complicate loading condition in the construction process. Especially for the cables, the complicate loading condition, which is always slightly different in the construction and calculation, would determine the final shape and safety of BSS. Therefore, some monitoring methods for construction process is necessary and was studied in this paper.Finally, characteristics of Planar BSS were summarized and some proposed research works for BSS were put forward in this paper, such as new materials, new joints, new techniques, prestress control and specification of model calculation etc…

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

