

Study on the Development Patterns and the Trend of Industrial Structure Adjustment about Tianjin Beichen District

【作者】 唐兰

【导师】 夏青;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 北辰区是天津市环城四区之一,也是重要的制造业强区。其位于京津产业发展轴和天津市主要空间发展轴上,既有大城市边缘区的典型特性,自身还具有鲜明的秉赋特点。天津产业结构战略调整的加快,以及滨海新区纳入国家战略等一系列区域环境的改变,将促使北辰区的发展迎来重大转型。以北辰过去十年间发展状况而言,在经济结构和产业分布发生巨大变化的同时,资源短缺、产业分工和竞争加剧等新情况的出现,又对当地的继续发展提出严峻的挑战。在新的区域发展形势下,迫切需要选择合理的发展模式来指导当地的城镇建设。由于我国城市边缘区发展的先导力量是产业的发展,故本文从产业结构层次上来探讨以北辰为代表的大城市边缘区发展模式。首先,以理论研究和案例比较相结合的方式,探讨在大城市边缘区发展的一般规律。其次,在明确边缘区的功能、发展动力、开发模式、与中心区的关系的基础上,剖析北辰区发展的优势与劣势,机遇与挑战,探讨北辰在区域发展中的定位,选择合理的发展模式。在此基础上,通过对北辰产业发展规律的剖析,寻找合理的产业调整途径,促进产业结构高度化和产业布局合理化。本次研究涉及了城市规划学、产业经济学、企业管理学等相关学科,采取实证和理论相结合、定性与定量相结合的方法,将理论分析贯穿于整个研究的过程中。通过北辰区产业的实例研究,佐证相关领域的理论,促进理论研究的应用和深化,为北辰区的产业发展提供理论支持;同时为相关地区寻找自身产业可持续发展的道路提供方法参考和理论依据。

【Abstract】 Beichen District is one of the four districts that around the core district of Tianjin. It is also important in the outskirts of its strong manufacturing base, which has an important location, that both on the Beijing-Tianjin-axis of the industrial development, and the main axis of space development in Tianjin. Beichen is the typical examples of Urban fringe areas, and it also has distinctive characteristics. With a series of regional environmental change, as Tianjin to accelerate the strategic adjustment of industrial structure, and the Binhai New Area been put into national strategies, the development of Beichen District will usher in major restructuring. As to say the development of the past decade, the economic structure and distribution of industry has seen tremendous changes. At the same time, the emergence of new situations, such as shortage of resources, the industrial division, intensified competition and so on, are also severe challenges to the continued development of local area. In the new regional development situation, the urgent need is to choose a reasonable model to guide the development of the local construction.As the development of industries is the pilot force of China’s urban fringe, so the paper studied the development models from the level of the industrial structure of Beichen District, which is the representative of the urban fringe area. First of all, by the way of theoretical study and case compare, we explore the general rules about the development of urban fringe areas, such as the urban fringe area’s function, the driving force for development, the development mode, and the relationship between the central area and fringe area. At the second, after the discussion of above questions, paper analysis Beichen District’s advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges, and the position in the region’s development. After that, tried to choose the suit patterns of local’s development, which is the base to study the adjustment of industrial structure. Through researching the rules in the industry development, to find a reasonable way to the industrial restructuring, promoting optimized and rationalized of industrial structure and position.The study involved in the urban planning, industry economics, business management and some other related disciplines. Theoretical analysis has run through the entire course of study. In the research, we integrated the methods of evidence and theory, qualitative and quantitative, to found the rules of industrial development. In that way, we tried to support the research in related fields, and promote the application and deepening of theoretical studies, as well as provide theoretical support in industrial development of Beichen District, which could also be the reference to the industrial development of urban fringe areas in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

