

Design and Study on Automatic North-finding System in All Automatic Gyro-theodolite

【作者】 邢晓刚

【导师】 林玉池;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陀螺经纬仪是一种能够测定真北方位的自主定向仪器,它在国民经济和国防建设中发挥着重要作用。国内的陀螺经纬仪大多需要人工操作才能完成寻北测量,不仅寻北速度较慢而且寻北精度也因操作人员素质差异而不同。目前,西方发达国家已经研制出了全自动、高精度的陀螺经纬仪,为了自主研制我国的全自动陀螺经纬仪,以JT-15型上架式陀螺经纬仪为基础,设计了自动寻北系统,最终实现了陀螺经纬仪的全自动化。课题所设计的自动粗寻北系统能将处于水平面内任意方位的陀螺经纬仪旋转到粗北方位,其精度控制在±30"以内,时间控制在1分钟以内。粗寻北完成后需下放陀螺灵敏部进行精寻北,精寻北完成后需上托陀螺灵敏部再停机,以步进电机为核心的自动升降机构取代了传统的手动完成陀螺灵敏部的上托和下放。为了提高对陀螺灵敏部自动升降机构以及自动粗寻北系统中旋转平台的控制精度,采用TA8435H芯片设计了8细分的步进电机驱动电路,该驱动电路结构简单、工作可靠,并使系统电路实现了小型化。自动读数系统采用CCD器件将光标的光强信号转化为电压信号输出后被单片机采集,再经A/D转换后由软件实现求光标中心的计算,计算出来的光标中心值将被发送到上位机进行更复杂的寻北计算;同时,单片机也接收来自上位机的控制指令。因USB2.0接口具有即插即用、高速数据传输等优点,课题选用CY7C68013A芯片设计了USB2.0接口用于单片机与上位机间通信。实验结果表明,全自动陀螺经纬仪能在上电后不需人工干预就能完成整个寻北过程,直至得出寻北结果;仪器寻北精度为20",寻北时间可控制在12分钟以内。

【Abstract】 Gyro-theodolite is an equipment which can direct the real north independently. It has played a very important role in national economy and national defense building. The gyro-theodolite need manual operate in our country. It is much slower and has a lower precision for different personnel operating. At present, the western developed countries have developed a fully automated, high-precision gyro-theodolite, in order to develop the fully automatic gyro-theodolite dependently, we have been designed a system of automatic north-finding which based on the JT-15-Gyrotheodolite. Ultimately, realized the gyro-theodolite fully automated.The system of automatic coarse north-finding designed by this paper can rotate the gyro-theodolite to the coarse north when it is in any position in horizontal. The precision is controlled in±30"and the time less than 1 min. After coarse North- finding, lower the sensitive components and make a precise north- finding. Last, raise it to turn off. The automatic rising-lowering institutions in which core of stepper motor has replace the traditional manual operation on the rising-lowering.In order to improve the automatic rising-lowering institutions and the rotary table’s controlling precision. A stepper drive of eight fractionization has been designed by TA8435H. It is reliable and make the system more simple.The automatic reading system uses CCD to turn the cursor intensity into voltage and be acquisited by SCM. Then, SCM will calculate the value of cursor and sent it to computer for north-finding calculation. The SCM will receive the control commands from the PC also. In the advantages of plug and play and high-speed data transmission of USB2.0 interface. The USB2.0 which base on the chip of CY7C68013A has been designed for commiunication between the SCM and PC .Experimental results show that the all automated Gyro-theodolite can complete the North-finding without the manual intervention in condition of electrifing until gained the results. The precision of the equipment is 20", and the time can be control within 12 minutes。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

