

China Tobacco Hebei Industry Corporation Group of Companies of Management Studies

【作者】 魏长禹

【导师】 邵丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 面对WTO的挑战,整个烟草行业为了提高自身竞争实力,近几年不断进行兼并重组,组建实力雄厚的大企业集团化,培育大品牌。经过几次兼并重组后,烟草工业企业由原来的上百家卷烟厂减少为十八个省级工业公司,下辖四十多家卷烟厂。由于烟草行业的特殊性,各省级工业公司对下属烟厂的管理,还停留在机关管理下属企业的行政管理模式中。从2006年开始,国家烟草总公司决定逐步取消各烟厂的法人资格,建立工业公司为主体的大型企业集团化,这就意味着工业公司的机关性质将逐步转变为企业的性质,直接负责进行生产经营,工业公司与下属烟厂的关系将更为紧密。省级工业公司与所属企业合并重组后,原来生产厂的法人地位取消,多个法人变为一个法人,生产厂变为生产点(制造部),省级工业公司规模迅速扩张,管理幅度明显增大。面对这些变化,省级工业公司迫切需要将原来的行政管理模式转换成能够满足提升整体竞争实力,理顺内部管理流程的新管理模式。本课题研究的主要内容就是从企业集团化管理基本理论研究入手,充分考虑烟草行业特殊性,以集团化后公司总部和各下属企业的利益事实为启示性思考,研究在烟草行业迅速变革的背景下,如何实现省级工业公司与下属烟厂重组后,资源的整合以及合理调配,提升整个集团化核心竞争力的现实途径。结合河北中烟工业公司实际情况提出可供选择的管理模式,设计管理模式的实施方案。河北中烟选择了一种类似战略管理型的集团化管理方式,经过初步实施验证,发现这种管理方式在一定程度上提升了河北中烟的整体管理水平和竞争实力。本文的特点在于,将集团化管理模式的相关理论同河北中烟工业公司的实际情况相结合,并进行实践。并将河北中烟如何进行集团化管理模式的设计与实施进行了深入的阐述。

【Abstract】 In the face of WTO challenges, the tobacco industry as a whole in order to improve their own competitiveness in recent years continued to carry out mergers and acquisitions, the strength of the formation of large enterprise groups, to cultivate big brands. After several mergers and acquisitions, the tobacco industry from hundreds of cigarette factory reduced to 18 provincial-level industrial companies, under the jurisdiction of more than 40 cigarette factory. Due to the special nature of the tobacco industry, the provincial industrial companies under the management of the factory, but also to stay in business under the management authority for the administration mode. From the beginning of 2006, the National Tobacco Corporation decided to phase out the factory’s legal personality, the establishment of industries as the mainstay of large enterprise groups, which means that the nature of the industry’s authorities will be gradually transformed into the nature of the business, directly responsible for the production of Management, industrial companies and subsidiaries of the factory will more closely. Provincial-owned industrial enterprises with the combined company after the restructuring, the original manufacturers of the abolition of legal status, into a number of corporate legal person, into a production plant at (the Department of Manufacturing), the provincial industrial-scale rapid expansion of the company, significantly increasing the rate management Great. In the face of these changes in the provincial industries will be an urgent need for the administration of the original model into upgrading to meet the overall competitiveness, to rationalize the internal management processes, the new management model.The objective of this research is which management model can be chose after Tobacco Corporation collectivized. These research bases on the collectivize management model theory; the particularity of tobacco industry; and the interest fact between parent company and subsidiary company after Corporation collectivized. In the background of rapid transform of tobacco industry, how to integrate and distribute interior resource and exterior resource and enhance the core competition of Tobacco Corporation after collectivized are core contents of this research. Based on the fact characteristics of China Tobacco Hebei Industry Corporation, this research brings out and modifies some management models; and finally chooses the right management model to design implement project. In this paper, the characteristics is that the management group will be associated with the theory of Hebei in the tobacco industry companies with the reality of, and practice. Hebei, and in how tobacco group management model design and implementation of an in-depth exposition.

  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【下载频次】154

