

Research on the Acquisitive Prescription System

【作者】 黄丹娜

【导师】 沈诤;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 取得时效是指无权占有人以行使某种财产权利之意思公然、和平和继续占有他人的物达到一定期间,而取得所占有物的所有权或其他权利的制度。本文拟对取得时效制度的几个基本问题进行较为全面地论述。文章第一部分详细介绍取得时效制度的法律内涵、历史沿革及国内外相关立法等理论背景,从理论、实践和立法技术各方面解析《物权法》未规定该制度的原因。文章第二部分深入分析取得时效制度在民法中设立的必要性,通过探讨取得时效制度的价值、功能及其存在的社会经济基础,研究该制度与诉讼时效(诉讼时效)、善意取得制度和公信制度之间的关系,在此基础上探讨取得时效制度在民法中设立的必要性及其可能的适用范围。得出这样一个结论:虽然在现代民法中取得时效制度的适用范围有限,作用有所减弱,但取得时效制度在我国仍有一定的适用空间,无论是诉讼时效、善意取得制度还是物权公信制度都无法替代取得时效制度,只有设立取得时效制度,才能弥补由于制度设计缺漏所带来的法律空间,确定财产的权利归属,维护交易安全,稳定业已建立的社会经济秩序。文章第三部分论述取得时效的适用范围及其在单行法中存在的立法设计,尽管新颁布的《物权法》并未规定取得时效制度,这并不意味着该制度完全被我民法体系所摒弃。一部物权法不能解决所有物权问题。随着物权法的实施,将会有大量的单行法需要修订,亦会出台相应的实施细则。鉴于取得时效适用范围的复杂性,对各类物权适用上的差异性,如禁止流通物、土地所有权、公有物和国有财产;土地承包经营权、建设用地使用权、地役权、宅基地使用权等用益物权;各类担保物权;甚至知识产权、人身关系领域是否可以适用取得时效制度,这些适用上的复杂性和差异性,都为取得时效在单行法中提供了理论上的空间。笔者以《土地管理法》为例,提出在单行法中设立取得时效制度的立法设计,以完善我国取得时效制度。本文即对此进行逐一分析,以期对我国民事立法的完善尽一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Acquisitive prescription system is the law that the non-rightful owner continues to possess others’ property openly and peacefully with the excuse of practicing proprietary right and other property right,and prescribed time,he eventually gains such proprietary right and other property rights.This article is going to discuss several basic problems of acquisitive prescription deeply.The first part of the article provides information of acquisitive prescription system.The author explains concretely the concept and nature of acquisitive prescription,explores historical development track at home and abroad,compares the stipulations of that in different countries.Just issued the "PRC Property Rights Law" does not require acquisitive prescription system,many reasons,either that the system was not realistic necessary or that reason in legislative technology.The second part of the article expounds the existence value and function of acquisitive prescription,discusses the relationship between it and other systems,for example,extinctive prescription,acquisition in good faith and registration system,then analyzes the necessity of acquisitive prescription system in our country.The paper points out that there is extensive applicative space for acquisitive prescription in our country,although it is limited.The establishment is good at keeping the stabilization of the society,forbidding endless separation between possession right and proprietary right or other real right,stabilizing the civil affairs exchange relationship,promoting the effective utilization of subjects and overcoming the difficulties for the party to quote and the court to investigate.In short,acquisitive prescription system cannot be replaced by extinctive prescription,acquisition in good faith and registration system.It is necessary to establish it in our country.The third part of the article discusses the scope of application, suggests to establish it in separate rules.With the progress of history,the scope of application tends to expand.Ownership,usufruct of immovable property,real right guaranteed and incorporeal property rights are mainly discussed here,which are different.The "PRC Property Rights Law" does not build acquisitive prescription system,but it does not mean that it is abandoned.There are lots of separate rules enacting follow the "PRC Property Rights Law".We can set up the system in separate rules,take the "PRC Land Manage Rule" for example.This paper discusses it deeply, hope to be benefic for civil law in our country.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】361

