

Reserch of Re-Arbitration Legal System

【作者】 陈婧

【导师】 乔欣;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民事诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 重新仲裁是指法院在受理仲裁当事人撤销仲裁裁决的申请后,认为仲裁裁决虽具有法律规定的可被撤销的情形,但同时也可以通过仲裁庭重新进行仲裁予以纠正的,则裁定中止撤销程序,并通知仲裁庭在一定期限内重新仲裁。其意义在于:它是对有程序瑕疵的仲裁裁决的自我救济,是纠正仲裁庭程序错误,维护当事人合法权益,保证当事人仲裁意愿实施,避免因撤销整个仲裁裁决而带来其他不利后果的重要手段。这一制度为许多国家立法所确认,并在国际商事仲裁领域得到广泛采用。我国现行《中华人民共和国仲裁法》也增加了这方面的内容,规定于第六十一条,但这只是一项原则性规定,很多问题没有细化;《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉若干问题的解释》虽然在某些方面对重新仲裁制度作了一些解释,但是并不全面,导致重新仲裁制度在我国的适用仍然较为混乱。因此,笔者结合我国重新仲裁制度的现状,试图为这一制度寻找到合理而具有可操作性的程序安排,以期对我国重新仲裁制度的发展有所裨益。本文从重新仲裁的基本含义出发,以理论联系实际的研究方法,参考了国内外重要的理论研究成果和实践经验,澄清了重新仲裁中的一些基本法律问题,并在分析我国重新仲裁制度现状的基础上,对如何完善这一制度的各个方面提出建议。全文主体一共分为四章:第一章重新仲裁概述。笔者阐述了重新仲裁的含义及其与相关概念的区别,并对重新仲裁的基本理论问题进行了较为深刻的分析,最后探讨了重新仲裁的法律效果,清晰地呈现出重新仲裁的基本内涵。第二章重新仲裁的意义。笔者首先对重新仲裁的意义进行了一番理论分析,然后在比较研究和实证分析的基础上,论证了重新仲裁的意义所在,即一是给予仲裁庭一个更正仲裁裁决瑕疵的机会;二是对仲裁程序缺陷的补救,不应对实体问题进行审查。第三章我国重新仲裁制度现状。笔者详细评析了我国重新仲裁制度的法律规定和司法解释,并较为深入地分析了我国仲裁实践中的几个案例,从而指出了我国重新仲裁制度存在的问题。第四章我国重新仲裁制度的完善。针对重新仲裁在法律规定和仲裁实践中的问题,笔者在借鉴国际先进作法的基础上,详细探讨了完善我国重新仲裁制度的具体建议,主要涉及可重新仲裁的情形、重新仲裁的主体、重新仲裁审理范围、重新仲裁相关期限及重新仲裁的费用等等。

【Abstract】 After the people’s court has accepted an application for the cancellation of an arbitral award and deems it necessary for the arbitration tribunal to make a new award,it shall notify the arbitration tribunal for a new ruling within a certain limit of time and order the termination of the cancellation procedure.The meaning of re-arbitration is that it is a self-relief of an arbitral award with procedural flaw and an important method for eliminating the false in arbitration procedures,maintaining the parties’ lawful rights,ensuring the realization of the parties’ hope for arbitration and avoiding the bad effect leading by the arbitral awards being cancelled by court.Re-arbitration is affirmed by many countries’ legislation,and adopted abroad in the field of international commercial arbitration.Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates re-arbitration in Article 61,but it is lack for detailed provisions.The Judicial Explanations 2006 makes some explanation for re-arbitration in certain aspects;however,it is not very good.The adoption of re-arbitration in China is still in confusion.Therefore,the author here comments and analyzes the actuality,tries to amply research the amendment of re-arbitration and find out a proper procedural arrangement for it,and hopes for benefiting the development of Chinese re-arbitration legal system.The thesis begins with the basic definition of re-arbitration,in the method of collecting theory and practice,clarifies the basic legal issues in re-arbitration and gives a table of advice for the perfect of Chinese re-arbitration on the basis of analyzing the actuality.The thesis is divided into four parts: The first part is a general discussion of re-arbitration.The author explains the legal definition of re-arbitration and the difference between re-arbitration and other related concepts,analyzes some basic legal issues in re-arbitration,and discusses the legal effect of re-arbitration at last, which clearly presents what is re-arbitration.The second part focuses on the meaning of re-arbitration.The author theoretically studies the meaning of re-arbitration primarily,and on the basis of comparative research and demonstration analysis demonstrates the meaning of re-arbitration.The third part is about the actuality of Chinese re-arbitration.The author amply examines and criticizes the provisions,regulations,judicial explanations and some practical cases,and then points out the problems in Chinese re-arbitration legal system.The forth part offers some improvement advice of Chinese re-arbitration legal system.The author discusses the detailed advice at large,involving the following aspects:the circumstances for re-arbitration, the main body of re-arbitration,the hearing scope of re-arbitration,the related time limits and the expenses for re-arbitration.

  • 【分类号】D925.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】304

