

【作者】 刘卓悦

【导师】 符启林;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着建筑市场专业化的发展,国际资本及国外先进管理技术的冲击,设计、施工技术水平越来越高的要求,单靠某个总承包企业很难组织起各种资源完成整个庞大复杂的建设工程。为了填补单个企业的资源和技术缺口、提高企业核心竞争力以及分散和降低企业经营风险,分包单位共同参与项目的建设成为必然趋势。总承包将自身部分义务转移给分包商后,并不能免除原有的合同义务,针对建筑活动的互相性、关联性等行业特点,由负有共同民事义务的当事人不履行义务而导致安全、质量事故,连带责任显然是一个针对性的、行之有效的法律手段。因此,我国《建筑法》、《合同法》、《招标投标法》等法律规定了总承包和分包应就分包的工程向业主承担连带责任。然而,总承包与分包之间连带责任的规定显得过于宽泛和原则,已无法适应建设工程中日益复杂的分包活动。主要表现在:第一,指定分包立法的缺位。业主指定分包大量出现,总承包无法直接控制分包活动,而立法的缺位使业主、总承包、分包三者之间的责任界定较为混乱。重新界定各方的责任,既能体现了连带责任立法的初衷,又保障了各方权利是需解决的问题;第二、实务往往侧重于总承包对分包连带债务的承担,而对于工程项目而言,如分包商在施工中出现了延误工期、质量不合格、提前退场等违约情形时,总承包如何及时保障项目按约完工比事后连带赔偿更为重要;第三,目前存在形形色色的违法分包较难甄别,总承包对违法分包活动难以监管到位,增加了总承包预期风险。此外,为了解决工程款拖欠的问题,各地政府和部门对连带责任还有扩大适用的趋势,各法规政策标准不一使立法带有功利主义倾向,破坏了法律体系的统一性和稳定性。我国的建筑市场已随着市场经济体制的逐步确立和加入WTO逐步放开,国外建筑业发达的分包体系对我国尚不建全的分包制度可以起到参考借鉴的作用,如何使我国的分包制度更好地与国际惯例、国际规则接轨也是本文进一步研究探讨的。有鉴于此,笔者拟结合自身的工作实践,从工程总承包的角度出发,以传统民法连带责任理论为背景,通过采取了比较分析法、制度分析法以及系统分析法等研究方法,立足于我国《建筑法》、《合同法》、《招标投标法》及相关法律制度,并结合实务中突出的问题,对总承包与分包之间的法律关系进行了分析;通过解读总承包与分包连带责任相关法律条文进而论述承担连带责任的方式和内容,分析合法分包法律要件与违法分包具体形态及各自应承担连带责任后果;通过解读国际工程FIDIC条款及发达国家分包规制,对我国建筑工程分包的相关立法与实践进行了综合分析,立足于解决司法实践中的诸多疑难问题,并对我国建设工程中如何保障总分包连带责任的实现以及相关立法完善提出自己的粗浅建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of specialization trend in construction market, impacts of international capital as well as foreign advanced management techniques and the increasing demands on high level construction techniques,individual engineering general contract enterprise alone is difficult to organize all kinds of resources to complete a large and complicated construction project..In order to fill the gap of resources and techniques for individual enterprise,and enhance their core competitiveness,and diversify and reduce risk in business and operation,it is an inevitable trend that the subcontract companies participate together in the construction project.Once an engineering general contract enterprise assigns parts of obligations to subcontract enterprise,it cannot remove the original contract obligations.In view of the interaction features of construction activities,because parties who have common civil obligations does not fulfill their obligation and lead to quality and security accidences, joint and several liability is obviously a targeted and effective legal means. Therefore,law of PRC like"The Govemment Procurement Law","The Tendering and Bidding Law of PRC"and "The Construction Law of PRC" provision that the general contract and subcontract enterprises shall assume their joint and several liability for owners in the subcontract construction project.However,the regulations for joint and several liability between general and subcontract is far from enough and difficult to adapt current increasingly complex subcontract activities.The reasons are mentioned as followings:first of all,absence of subcontract legislation.Engineering general contractor cannot control the subcontractor activities for large number of owners designated subcontract.It is quite confused to define the responsibilities between the general contractors,subcontractors and owners due to the absence of subcontract legislation.Secondly,the law always emphasis in general contract carry on the liability related to subcontract in reality,whereas considering construction project as a whole,general contractor how to guarantee project to be finished in time in terms of contract is more important than compensation in the dis situation,e.g.delay, disqualification,quit ahead of schedule for subcontractors.Thirdly, difficulties to identify current mixed illegal subcontractors make the general contractors cannot monitor the subconstractor’s behaviors and increase the risks have to take.By the way,in order to solve the payment in arrears problem,local governments and departments try to extend the range of the liabilities related to subcontract.Differences standards in law are utilitarian from which the subcontract market doesn’t benefit.With the foundation for market economics system and accession to WTO,China construction market has become open gradually.Subcontract system from foreign construction will play an useful role for china’s subcontract system.In the dissertation,it is worthy of further discuss on how to integrate our subcontract system with international practices and rules.Based on traditional liabilities in civil law and author’s practice,we analyze the legal relationship between general contract and subcontract from the perspective of general contract by way of comparison and analyses,institutions analysis and system analysis.Moreover, "Construction Law","Contract Law" and," tenders and bidding law " and related legal system and legal issues highlighted are taken into account as well. By means of reading the legal terms related to joint liability between general contract and subcontract,we define forms and contents of joint and several liabilities,analyze legal elements for both legal and illegal subcontract,and bear the consequence of the different joint and several liabilities.Considering FIDIC terms of international construction and subcontract rules in developed country,we also comprehensively analyze the legislation and practice related to china’s construction engineering. Based upon solving many difficult problems in judicial practice,we finally propose how to perfect legislation related to joint liabilities between general contract and subcontract and to enhance the system construction for subcontract market.

  • 【分类号】D923.6;D922.297
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】729

