

Shallow Talk about "Small Government" Management Innovation under the Background of "Enterprise"

【作者】 程林

【导师】 翟校义;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在大型国有企业背景下成立的地方政府在我国各个大城市中普遍存在,这类地方政府的公共管理在推进国有企业改革中发挥的作用日显重要,如何使其真正把握好公共行政管理规律、科学地发挥特殊型地方政府的行政职能、有效地处理好各种事务,关键在于推进这类政府的公共管理创新。本文通过对“大型国有企业——北京燕山石化公司”背景下成立的“地方政府——北京市房山区燕山办事处”的系统研究,探索“大企业”背景下“小政府”的公共管理创新之路,从而提高特殊行政环境下地方政府的行政管理效率和公共服务能力,促进地区经济和社会的全面、协调、可持续发展。本文主要采用实证研究法和案例分析的研究方法,简要地概述了燕山办事处的历史沿革、工作机制、组织结构和主要职能,对其存在的基本特点和区别于其他地方政府的主要特征进行了原因分析,阐述了燕山石化公司与燕山办事处之间互相依赖的关系,并用SWOT分析方法对燕山办事处的管理现状进行了优势、劣势、机遇与威胁的战略分析,在分析基础之上概括出公共管理创新是燕山办事处的必由之路,结合燕山办事处行政环境带来的机遇和挑战,提出燕山办事处必须实行行政管理体制改革,理顺与企业、上级政府和社会的各种关系;创新管理模式,寻找各类突破,促进区域经济发展;创新管理方式,充分发挥非政府组织的重要作用,促进政府、企业和社会的互动;重点做好薄弱环节的管理工作,建立和健全公共安全管理体系;合理开发和利用信息资源,改变传统管理理念和方法,以信息化技术为手段创建集功能于一体的地理信息系统,全面提高公共管理水平。最后,对燕山办事处未来的发展模式进行了明确定位,探究了燕山办事处转化为北京市西南化工园区管委会发展模式的重要意义和其具体发展规划。通过对这类特殊行政环境下地方政府的研究,对其管理现象进行充分分析,从中寻找共同的公共行政规律,以使类似的地方政府趋利而避害,实现公共管理的目标。同时,也为理论界对公共行政学、公共管理学、行政管理学、政府经济学等学科的研究提供实例参考。

【Abstract】 The local government established under the large state-owned enterprise’s background widely exists in some big cities of our country, whose public management play an important role for the propulsion of the state-owned enterprise reform.Therefore,facing how to hold the regulation of public administration management,how to take administration responsibility of the local government scientifically,and how to handle various business availably,the key lies in pushing forward public management innovation of government of this kind.According to systemically researching "the local government of Beijing--office of Yanshan in Fangshan District" under the background of "large state-owned enterprise--Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation",this dissertation investigates the public management innovation of "small government" under the background of "large enterprise",to improve the administration management efficiency and public service ability of local government under the special administration background and to promote the all-around, orderly and continual development of regional economy--and society.Adopted substantial evidence method and case-based analyzing method,this paper mainly outlines the history origin,work mechanism, organization structure,and main function of office of Yanshan,analyzes its basic characteristics and discriminates difference=from other local governments,and describes the relation of the interdependence between Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation and office of Yanshan.With SWOT analyzing method,this paper strategically analyzes advantages, disadvantages,opportunity,and threat of present management of office of Yanshan,and based on analyzing,generalizes that public administration innovation is the only way to develop office of Yanshan.With the opportunity and challenges under the administration environment of office of Yanshan,this paper puts forward that the office have to practice administration management system reform,harmoniously deal with the relationship among enterprise,government and society,and look for breakthroughs,to promote regional economic development;innovate administration mode and play the important function of the non-government organization well to promote the interaction of government,enterprise,and the society;emphase-administration work in weak link,and establish and sound the public safety manage system; reasonably develop and make use of the information resources,change the tradition management principle and method and make use of information-based technique to establish the geography information system which gathers all kinds of functions in the integral whole to raise public management level wholly.At last,the paper makes certain of the future development mode of office of Yanshan,and investigates the importance and the concrete development layout of the conversion from office of Yanshan to southwest chemical engineering area commission in Beijing City.By means of the research on the local government under special administration environment,its administration phenomenon is analyzed comprehensively and common public administration rules from it are sought so that the similar local government can benefit from it and realize the target of public management.In the meantime,it can provide the reference for the public administration,the public management,the administration management,the government economics,etc..

【关键词】 企业政府管理创新
【Key words】 enterprisegovernmentmanagementinnovation
  • 【分类号】D625;F123.15
  • 【下载频次】195

