

A Probe of Realize Ways to the Rational Growth of Urban Space

【作者】 余侃华

【导师】 蔡辉;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 人类的活动离不开相应的空间,城市空间既是城市人生存发展的条件,同时又是这种发展的结果。随着中国城市发展环境的全面转型,面对我国当前城市空间不断增长的需要;面对人类可持续发展的愿景;面对增长过程中存在着低效与混乱的现象;面对中国宜居土地稀缺这一现实。我们该如何控制、引导和管理城市空间增长过程呢?可以说,在城市高速增长过程中,寻求空间的健康增长方式是目前城市研究的重要课题。当前,我国城市空间研究成果非常丰富,但对于成果应用的研究比较薄弱。本文结合当前研究重点,确立走向理性增长的城市空间实现途径为本文选题。通过对城市空间增长的概念、理论以及方法的梳理与总结;通过对我国城市空间增长过程中的历程、困境以及矛盾的回顾与评价;通过对当前背景下我国城市空间增长趋势的判读与分析;通过对城市空间理性增长内涵的解析与认知。基于理性思维的考量下,以方法集成作为研究定位,对控制、引导和管理城市空间走向理性增长的实现途径(理念突破、方法创新、体制完善)进行了探索。在构建城市空间实现途径过程中,从规划理念的突破升华上入手,对规划的方法论及方法进行了探索。在此基础上,制定了理性的规划途径,并根据不同层次,制定具体的方法,并结合具体项目进行论证。最后,对从规划方案到实施过程中的保障策略进行探讨,从而,形成一个完整的空间调控途径。本篇论文主要成果体现在:一、系统总结了城市空间规划及其理论的过去辉煌及最新成就;二、对我国城市空间增长过程中的历程、困境以及矛盾进行了回顾与评价;三、初步构建了城市空间走向理性增长的实现途径模式及其具体措施;四、对实现途径模式及具体措施结合具体的项目进行了实证研究。

【Abstract】 The activity of human can not be separated from the corresponding space, cities’space is not only the survival and development of cities’conditions, but also is the result of the development. With the condition of urban space development overall reforming, facing the practical demand of spatial expansion, facing the sustainable development prospect of human, facing the inefficiency and the chaotic phenomenon, facing the reality of the scarcity of habitat land. For us, how to guide control & management of continuous spatial expansion? During the rapid process of cities’growth, how to seek the healthly mode of growth is cities’important topic.In recent years China has made great achievements in research on urban spatial planning. However, there is still a lack of enough research on the application of such achievements. On the survey of the current researching state in the urban planning, the problem of the realize ways to the rational growth of cities’space being the central point of the thesis. The concept, the theory and the method of cities’space has been carding and summary; through review and evaluate course, difficulties and contradictions of the process of spatial expansion; To interpret and analysis our cities space growth movement under current background; Analysis and understanding the connotation of rational grow in urban space. Base on rational considerating, take intergate of methods as research localization. A probe on the ways(breakthrough ideas, the innovation of methods, improve system)to guide, control & manage cities’space to the rational growth.In the process of achieving construction of urban space, start exploration in the planning methodology and methods, from breakthrough on plan ideas. Based on that, has formulated the rational plan way, and according to different levels, formulate specific methods and conduct feasibility studies of unifies specific projects. Finally, study in the process from planning to implementation. thus, forms a complete spatial regulation way.The main achievement of this paper mainly reflected in: First, summarized urban space plan and the theory from the past magnificent and the most newest achievement; Second, reviewed and evaluated difficulties and contradictions in the growth of China’s urban space. Third, constructed the realizes the way that urban space to move toward a rational way to achieve the growth mode and its specific measures; Fourth, the initial construction of the urban space toward a rational way to achieve the growth mode and its specific measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

