

Study on the Problem of Xi’an Ancient Capital Culture and Tourism Management System

【作者】 闫雅萍

【导师】 刘吉发;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 西安是闻名世界的历史文化名城,是中国历史上建都朝代最多、历史最久的城市。西安古都文化旅游业经过20多年的发展,既积极地推动了中国旅游业外向型发展之路,也为探索富有中国特色的文物遗产型旅游城市的保护与发展积累了丰富的经验。但是由于观念、利益分配、法律制定与执行、融资等方面的原因,西安古都文化旅游管理体制存在部门合力优势不足、法规体系不完善、融资体制滞后、组织形式不科学、人才机制不健全等问题,旅游相关部门的责、权、利不清,扯皮现象较严重,管理效率低,一定程度上影响了西安古都文化旅游业的深度发展。因而,西安古都文化旅游管理体制改革势在必行。通过改革西安古都文化旅游管理体制,明确政府、行业、企业的职权范围,使各层面互为依托,和谐发展,才能从根本上解决西安古都文化旅游发展中的问题,进一步增强西安的影响力、辐射力和吸引力,扩大古城文化产业的规模,提升古都文化旅游业的档次,提高古城文化的输出和竞争能力,完善教育、娱乐功能,增强其经济和社会效益。本文以西安为研究背景,以管理体制为研究对象,通过运用调查分析法、比较分析法、历史文献法等,研究管理体制改革方案。文章从西安古都文化旅游管理体制存在问题切入,通过分析存在问题,得出西安古都文化旅游管理体制改革的必然性和改革着力点,在此基础上改革古都文化旅游管理体制,构建体制改革的框架。分析现状时从西安古都文化旅游管理体制现状及存在问题进行分析,在现状分析的基础上进行改革思路分析,然后具体提出改革的实施方案,将基本框架分为政府、行业、企业三个层面。文章的主要观点是首先强调文化遗产保护的重要性,确保西安文化遗产健康发展;其次,强调政府、行业、企业三位一体的管理,将政府、行业、企业纳入一个整体的管理系统中,在此系统中,政府负责宏观管理,涉及组织创新、战略规划等;行业即旅游业负责行业层面的监管,涉及行业管理体制、管理职能等;企业层面的管理则比较具体,涉及企业具体的管理,包括旅游商品、旅游线路等。通过对文章主要观点的详细阐述,得出文章结论,在西安古都文化旅游管理体制改革中,要注重文化遗产的保护,明确政府监管范围,加强行业管理职能,鼓励旅游企业发展。

【Abstract】 Xi’an is a world-famous historical and cultural city, Xi’an ancient capital cultural tourism industry has developed for 20 years, it actively promotes China’s export-oriented development of the tourism industry, but also accumulates rich experience to explores China’s tourist city and heritage protection . However, because of the concept, the distribution of benefits, legal development and implementation, financing and other aspects, the Xi’an ancient capital cultural tourism management system exists some problems : imperfect departmental efforts; inadequate legal system, imperfect financing system, unscientific forms of organization and personnel mechanism , unclear duties ,rights, benefits of tourism-related sectors , serious buck-passing phenomenon, low efficiency of management. To some extent, they have affected in-depth development of the Xi’an ancient capital cultural tourism .As a result, the Xi’an ancient capital of cultural tourism management system is imperative.Through reforming cultural tourism management system, making it clear about the function of the Government, industries, enterprises terms , all levels rely on each other.The harmonious development can fundamentally solves its development issues, and further enhances the influence ,radiation and attractive of Xi’an,, and expands the scale of cultural industries, enhances the grade, increases the output and competitiveness, improves education, entertainment features,strengthens their economic and social benefits.The article’s main point is to emphasize the importance of cultural heritage protection at first, ensure the healthy development of Xi’an Cultural Heritage.Second, it stresses that Government, industries, enterprises are brought into a comprehensive management system. In this system , The Government is responsible for macroeconomic management, organizational innovation, strategic planning, etc. Tourism industry is responsible for the supervision of the industry level, involving trade management system, management functions, and so on. The enterprise level is more concrete, including tourism trade, tourism, and other lines. The article concluded that, in the Xi’an ancient capital cultural tourism management system, we should pay attention to cultural heritage protection, making government regulation clear, strengthening management functions, encouraging the development of tourism enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【下载频次】634

