

Probe into Several Causes of the Modern Environmental System Deletion

【作者】 王琦

【导师】 段联合;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国经济社会的发展正处于关键时期,但同时也面临着前所未有的环境压力。在经济社会发展进程中,我国政府在治理污染、环境保护方面己经做了大量工作,但我国环境状况继续恶化的趋势却并未能从根本上得以扭转。我国在环境资源产权制度、市场交易制度、信息披露制度、基本控制制度方面均存在一定的缺陷或不足;环境责任只是沿着个体化责任的发展,环境影响评价制度等也仅被限于个体化责任的范围。但环境的公共物品特征要求在强调个体化责任的同时,将环境责任社会化。我国反映社会化责任的区域控制、总量控制等制度却很不完善且未得到认真地实施,使环境的外部性未得到有效地分配,造成了环境问题治不胜治、防不胜防的局面。而且我国立法数量并不少,但由于法律、法规的缺失以及法治环境的不佳,导致一些法律、法规束之高阁,不太管用。由于国情原因,我国地方政府受地方利益和领导人政绩观驱动,在环境管理制度实施中往往喊的多而做的少,或者走形式做表面文章,导致行政不作为。从制度的角度审视这一问题便可发现环境资源的产权制度、市场交易制度、基本控制制度等方面的缺失,制度本身不合理,制度执行力不够,制度环境不良等是造成我国环境状况恶化的重要症结之所在。要解开这些重要症结,就必须要了解产生这些症结的根源所在,从环境制度缺失原因的根源着手分析,找到源问题,才能明确解决环境制度建设中的疑难点。因此,探寻我国经济发展进程中环境制度的深层次原因,提出相应的改进策略,是促进经济、社会、环境协调可持续发展的必然选择与内在要求。从环境的概念和特征切入,挖掘最本质的内容,环境问题的产生必然有环境自身特性的原因因素在其中,分析根源之根源,从源头去看问题的本质原因是什么。在明确我国现代环境制度和实施背景的前提下,总结若干现代环境制度缺失的表现,再分析造成这些缺失的根本原因,有自然界的复杂性,人与自然关系的复杂性等。那么为什么会存在这些原因呢?也就是说,这些原因的根源又是什么呢?以哲学的视角从思想观念、环境伦理、环境制度、社会体制四个方面对观念根源和社会体制根源进行思考。最后,对完善制度建设过程中存在的若干现实问题进行讨论,并提出相关的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s economic and social development is at a crucial stage, but it also is facing an unprecedented pressure on the environment. In the process of economic and social development, the Chinese government in pollution control, environmental protection has been a lot of work to do, but China’s environmental situation continues to worsen the trend has not been able to fundamentally reverse.China’s environmental resources in the system of property rights, market trading system, information disclosure system, the basic control system there are certain defects or inadequate environmental responsibility along the only individual responsibility for the development of environmental impact assessment system has only been limited to individual responsibility the scope. However, the environmental characteristics of public goods that require the responsibility of the individual, social and environmental responsibility. China reflect the social responsibility of the regional control, the total control system is very imperfect and no serious implementation, so that the external environment and have not been efficiently allocated, resulting in environmental governance over governance issues. And the number of China’s legislature is many, but because of laws, regulations and legal environment for the deletion of the poor, resulting in a number of laws and regulations shelved, not effective. Because the reasons for the national conditions, China’s local governments by local interests and leaders of political achievements, driven in the environmental management system in the implementation of the many and often shout to do less, or do superficial, not as the result.From the perspective of the system to examine the issue of environmental resources can be found that the system of property rights, market trading system, the basic control system, and other aspects of the missing, the system itself unreasonable and not enough of the implementation of the system, the institutional environment, and other adverse environmental conditions in China are caused by the deterioration of Important crux of the problem lies. To untie these important crux of the matter, it is necessary to understand the root causes of these crux of the matter is, from the environmental system started the root causes of loss analysis, to find sources to clear solutions to environmental problems in the construction of the system point. Therefore, to explore China’s economic development environment in the process of the deep-seated reasons for the system, the corresponding improvement strategy is to promote economic, social, environmental, coordinated and sustainable development of the inevitable choice and internal requirements. From the environmental features of the concept and intercept and tap the most essential elements, environmental problems have their own characteristics must be the cause of environmental factors in which the analysis of the root causes of the problem at its source look at the nature of the reasons for that. In clear our modern environment and the implementation of the system under the premise of the background, summing up a number of modern environmental performance of the system deficiencies, and analysis of the root causes of these deficiencies, the complexity of nature, man and nature, such as the complexity of the relationship. Why, then, there will be those reasons? In other words, the root causes of these reasons, then what is it? From the perspective of philosophy to the ideas and concepts, environmental ethics, environmental system, social system on the concept of four root causes and social institutions to reflect on. Finally, the sound system in the process of building a number of practical issues to discuss, and make relevant recommendations and measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

