

The Study of Urban Traffic Congestion and Urban Land-use

【作者】 唐毅

【导师】 马荣国;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自从城市进入汽车时代以来,城市获得了高速性和机动性,同时也面临着发展中的一系列副作用,城市交通拥挤就是这些副作用的一种体现。交通拥挤是当前城市普遍面临的一大问题,已经极大的阻碍了城市的正常发展。城市交通拥挤不仅造成时间和金钱上的损失,也对城市大气环境和城市安全带来极大的压力。目前城市交通拥挤的治理效果并不理想,城市交通总是陷入“交通拥挤——交通治理——拥挤缓解——再拥挤”的恶性循环中。为了寻求更有效的整治城市交通拥挤的途径,本文从城市土地利用的角度展开研究。本文首先分析了城市交通拥挤的演变过程及交通拥挤的起因,列举了整治交通拥挤的一些措施,并对这些措施整治效果进行了分析。在此基础上,从城市土地利用的角度出发,寻求解决城市交通拥挤的途径;阐述了城市交通和城市土地利用的互动机理,城市交通与城市土地利用的相互影响作用,并提出了一些城市交通和城市土地利用一体化的策略。接着根据城市土地利用模式的类型以及各种类型下的交通特点,结合城市发展中面临的各种问题,在宏观上提出了适合交通发展的中国城市土地利用要遵循的基本原则——“绝对集中、相对分散”,并对如何判断单中心城市是否应该向多中心转变做了研究。总结了城市具体项目中交通与土地利用整合的原则,介绍了国外交通与土地利用整合的思想和理论:精明增长和新城市主义,以及基于此理念的“TOD”模式,并结合重庆市城市轨道交通规划来说明交通与土地利用整合的重要性。

【Abstract】 Since the city has entered the era of cars, it is high-speed and mobility, while the city also faced some side-effects of the development, traffic congestion is a reflection of these side effects. The city currently faced with congestion, and congestion has greatly hindered the normal development of the city. Urban traffic congestion caused not only time and money losses, but also the great pressure of the city’s environment and urban air safety. At present traffic the results of congestion renovated is not satisfactory, and urban traffic is always the vicious circle of“traffic congestion - traffic management - congestion mitigation - crowded again”. In order to find a more effective way of rectification urban traffic congestion, the author would study in the urban land use.First ,in this dissertation,the author analysed the evolution of urban traffic congestion and the cause of traffic congestion, and cited some of the measures that rectificating traffic congestion, and the effectiveness of these measures were evaluated.The author seek ways and means to solve urban traffic congestion from urban land-use. On this basis, the author expounded interactive mechanism of urban traffic and land-use, mutual effect of urban traffic and urban land-use and the strategy urban traffic and urban land-use conformity.Then ,under the urban land-use patterns and the traffic characteristics of them, in conjunction with some problem in urban development,the author get the basic principles—"absolute concentration, relative dispersion",the cities in China must be in the principles to develop,and unban traffic can develop well in this principles.Finally,the author summed up some principleses of urban traffic and land-use conformity, introduced the foreign thinking and theory of urban traffic and land-use conformity: Smart Growth and Neourbanism, and Tranit-Oriented Development which based on this idea, and proved importance of urban traffic and land-use conformity in conjunction with the Chongqing Urban Rail Traffic Planning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】693

