

Study on the Annoyance Threshold of the Construction Noise

【作者】 孙远涛

【导师】 韩茂蔚;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 环境噪声自20世纪70年代以来被称为城市环境问题的四大公害之一。噪声污染不仅扰乱人们的正常生活,妨碍学习和工作,还会引起人们心理和生理上的不良反应。随着城市化进程的不断推进,建筑施工噪声扰民的问题越来越突出,如何有效控制建筑施工噪声污染问题已成为一个紧迫而且严峻的问题。为了了解建筑施工噪声影响及其对人的行为等的干扰,本文从分析建筑施工噪声的特性出发,在调查施工噪声源的基础上,采用现场测量和调查问卷的方法着重研究施工噪声烦恼度以及对人的行为的干扰。本文首先通过查阅相关文献资料,在国内外研究现状的基础上,结合现场实地测量,分析研究建筑施工各阶段主要噪声源及其频谱特性。然后以建筑结构主体施工阶段为主要研究对象,对建筑施工场界周边进行实地测量,了解全天各时段施工噪声声压级的变化趋势;对照城市区域噪声标准,了解噪声超标情况;再根据所测数据,确定噪声污染等级的中心声压级;同时结合问卷调查的方法,从主观和客观两个方面描述了建筑施工噪声污染情况。根据噪声污染等级的中心声压级,结合主观感受问卷调查的结果,运用模糊数学方法,求出各中心声压级的烦恼度概率,并用SPSS分析软件分析中心声压级与烦恼度概率间的相关性,拟合曲线方程。分析结果证明,各中心声压级与烦恼度概率间有较好的相关性,烦恼度及对谈话的干扰程度与中心声压级呈线性相关关系,而对思考的干扰程度与中心声压级则为二次曲线的关系。最后计算得出建筑施工噪声烦恼度阈限值白天为60.3dB(A),夜间为52dB(A)。同时得到对谈话干扰和对思考干扰的阈限值分别为60.2 dB(A)和60.1 dB(A)。运用Ridit分析方法对所得数据检验,证明数据确实、可信。

【Abstract】 The noise pollution has become one of the four great social effects of pollutions since the 1970’s, twentieth century. It can not only disturb people’s normal lives, affect study and working, but also bring the ill physical and psychological reactions of residents. Along with the rapid urbanization in China,more and more people are disturbed by construction noise . It is a rather urgent problem that how we can control the construction noise pollution effectively. In order to find out the subjective physiology feeling influence and action disturbance, the characteristic of construction noise was analyzed in this paper and the method of the public questionnaire was adopted to study the annoyance of construction noise.Firstly, on the basis of literature consult and research actuality, through measuring the noise near the construction site, the noise source of the various steps of the construction and the characteristic of the sound spectrum were analyzed and researched. Secondly, taking one of the main construction phases—the building structure—as the main object,the noise levels around the construction plant was measured, the changing trend of the sound levels during the whole day was found out, compared with the standard of environmental noise of urban area, how many decibels the noise that exceeded the standard was understood. According to the measured data, centre sound level of the noise pollution levels was determined, at the same time the method of the public questionnaire was adopted, and the construction noise pollution was described from both subject and object.According to centre sound level of the noise pollution levels and the result of the public questionnaire, based on fuzzy theory, the probability of the annoyance threshold values towards the construction noise was established. The relevance between the centre sound level and the probability of the threshold annoyance was analyzed by the statistic software SPSS 13, and curved the equations. The results show that there is very high relevance between them. Annoyance or disturbance of the conversation with the centre sound level is a high linear relationship, and the interference of thought with the centre sound level is compared to the second level of the relationship. Finally, the annoying threshold of the constrcution noise was calculated, which is 60.3dB(A) during the day, and is 52 dB(A) in the night. At the same time the threshold of the disturbance of the conversation is 60.2 dB(A), and the threshold of the interference of thought is 60.1 dB(A). They were compared with the standard verified by fuzzy mathematics synthetic evaluation—Ridit analysis. It wad proved that the results were credible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

