

Dynamic Calculation of Silo on Structure-Foundation Interaction

【作者】 马超

【导师】 尹冠生;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 工程力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 筒仓应用于农业、矿业、化工、电力等诸多领域中的散料储存。筒仓作为一种向高空发展的现代结构,其理论分析和结构计算不同于其它一般形式的建筑物。世界上许多国家和学者都对其进行了大量的理论分析和实验研究,得到了一些基本一致的结论和计算公式。作为一种薄壳特种结构,复杂的受力情况和传统简单的设计方法使筒仓事故不时发生。仓壁与储料荷载相互作用、地基与筒仓结构相互作用是目前工程设计人员研究的两个主要问题。通过对地震工程实践总结,人们越来越认识到结构和地基动力相互作用对筒仓的地震反应有着重要的影响。本文是完成陕西省科技厅项目《贮料——贮仓——地基相互作用动力特性的理论分析与实验研究》的部分计算内容,具体进行了以下几个方面的工作:1.运用有限元法对地基——贮仓——散体动力相互作用进行系统的分析,并得出一些结论。对筒仓模型及实仓进行有限元计算时,充分考虑结构各部分刚度的变化情况,将仓体及地基的各部分分别按板壳元、杆单元、梁单元、体单元进行计算,使计算模型更加反映结构及地基的真实情况。2.本文运用集中质量弹性杆的方法来模拟筒仓内部散料,并设计了不同的集中质量模型进行计算比较。用有限元法对不同地基上的筒仓进行了静、动力分析计算。在计算地基对筒仓结构简谐运动的动力响应时,研究了散体对筒仓的作用及散体对仓体的减振作用。3.考虑不同地基的情况,输入不同的地震激励,采用纽马克时间积分法求解动力方程,对地基——筒仓结构体系进行了非线性瞬态时程响应分析。通过数值计算和结果分析比较,探讨结构在地震作用下的动力反应的特点和一些规律,找出筒仓结构在地震时的薄弱点,并对筒仓的抗震能力评估。对结构体系静、动力特性系统研究后,论文对研究内容及成果做了简单的总结,得出一些结论,并指出文中的不足之处和尚有待进一步开展的工作。

【Abstract】 The silo applies in the agriculture, mining industry, the chemical industry, the electric power and so on, for many domains dispersed material storage. As a special towering structure, the structure calculation and theoretic analysis on silo are different from that of buildings. There are still many different viewpoints which need to be research furtherly, although many researchers have done many researches and experiments and have drawn some consistent conclusions and calculation formulas. As one kind thin shell special structure, the complex stress situation and the traditional simple design method causes the silo accident ofter occurs. Stored material loads acting on silo wall and the interaction between the foundation and the silo now are two cirtical questions for engineering designers. By the earthquake engineering practice, it is realize that structure-foundation dynamic interaction has important influence to the seismic response of silo more and more.This paper was accomplished part of content which theoretical analysis and experimental study for dynamic characteristic of bulk solid-silo-foundation spatial interaction system was item of Shannxi provience’s office of Science and Technology, makes the following research work:1. Use finite element method to make systematic analysis on the interaction among base-silo-bulk solid and draw some conclusions. When making finite element calculation on model silo and single silo, consider the exact change of the rigid of each section of the structure. Divide the silo body and the foundation into element of plate and shells, of beam and of brick and then make calculation so that the model can reflect the real condition of the structure and the foundation.2. This paper used Lumped mass-Elastic pole for simulate bulk solid in the silo and designed the different calculating model and contrast with its results. Use finite element method to make static and dynamic calculating analysis on silo model on different foundation. Make research on the reaction of bulk solid to silo wall and to attenuation of silo structure while the dynamic response of silo models to foundation’s simple harmonic motion is calculated.3. The New-mark time integration method is used to the nonlinear temporal dynamic analysis of the silo-foundation structure under different seismic load levels on the different foundation. Some dynamic response characters and general regularity of silo structure under seismic load are analyzed by numerical calculation to find out which part of the silo is in danger and to evaluate the aseismatic power of the silo.After this systematic research on the static and dynamic press characters of the silo structure, this paper summarizes the research results and gives some conclusions, and also points out that there are some problems which are worthy of deep study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU33;TU470.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】249
  • 攻读期成果

