

Study on Theory and Application of Urban Conventional Bus Lines

【作者】 郭颖

【导师】 陈丁跃;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “行”是生活在城市里的人们每天必须面对的一个问题,怎样顺利出行,怎样用最短的时间,最便利的交通工具,最短的距离让居住在城市的人们到达目的地,是每个城市管理者都要考虑的问题,这里就涉及到发展公共交通的问题。如何大力发展公共交通,在城市倡导“公交优先”,满足城市居民出行需要,越来越多地得到各地政府和交通科研人员的重视。城市公共交通线网优化是公共交通规划的重要组成部分之一。城市公交线网优化研究的宗旨在于运用现代化的交通规划理论及先进的计算技术,在现有城市道路系统和公共交通运力的基础上,通过对城市公交线网进行合理布局,对现有公交运力进行优化组合,最大程度地发挥系统的最佳效益。因此合理的优化方案对于提高公交服务水平和整体效率,促进公交优先的发展,改善城市交通状况具有重要意义。本文由公交线网优化的研究背景、国内外研究现状、公交需求预测、公交线网优化的相关概念、公交线网优化方法、模型和安阳市公交线网优化的具体实例几大部分组成。公交需求预测是公交线网优化的基础,本文在具体实例中,建立了具体的公交需求预测模型,对安阳市公交出行OD矩阵进行了预测。并以此为基础,结合安阳市的道路网结构按公交线路功能层次,分级采用“逐条布设,优化成网”的优化方法,在具体布设过程中运用蚁群算法进行路径选择和调整,收到了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 "Walking " is a question that people living in the city must face every day, how to help people lived in cities reach the destination with the shortest time, the most convenient means of transportation, the shortest distance, which is the question that each urban administrator should consider. Bus priority plan is advocated in a lot of cities in China. It is also one of means to provide efficient transit services to ease tranffic problems in big-middle cities, so the regional government and scientific research personnel pay more and more attention on it.Optimization of urban pubic transit networks is one of main part of big urban passenger transport traffic planning. The objective of the optimization of public transport network is to make the public transport system produce the best benefit by using modern theory of transportation planning and modern computing techniques. The optimization process is to make the public transport network distribution reasonable by optimization and combining the existing public transport capacity. It lies on the existing city road system and public transport capacity.This paper consists of five parts: analysis of current transit at home and abroad, forecast of transit demand, relevant concept about optimization of urban public transit networks, optimization methods, models and numerical example of Anyang transit network.It is foundation of public transit networks optimization that is demand forecast of public transit. The dissertation puts forward model of resident trip produce, model of resident trip attract, model of resident trip distributing and forecast resident trip OD matrix of Anyang. Optimizing methods base on colony algorithm is put forth and public transportation in partial Anyang has been optimized, and achieved the good effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】U491.17
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】520

