

Study on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal of Domestic Sewage by Using SBBR

【作者】 龚珊

【导师】 关卫省;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着水体“富营养化”问题的日益突出,污水排放标准的不断紧缩。以控制富营养化的脱氮除磷已成为当今污水处理领域的研究热点之一。反硝化除磷是目前广受关注的污水生物处理新技术,基于该理论开发的厌氧/缺氧/好氧SBBR反硝化除磷工艺能减少有机碳源投加量、剩余污泥产量,并减小反应器的容积。这对于提高低C/N比值城市污水的脱氮除磷具有非常重要的意义。序批式生物膜法(SBBR)是在SBR的基础上发展起来的一种处理工艺,该工艺具有良好的脱氮除磷性能。本课题以人工模拟生活污水为处理对象,利用SBBR反应器实现废水的同时脱氮除磷,考察了SBBR系统对污水中有机物、氮和磷的去除效果。在系统稳定运行基础上,探讨了进水COD/TN、缺氧段硝酸盐浓度等因素对SBBR系统氮磷去除效果的影响。系统采用厌氧/缺氧/好氧的运行方式。着重考察了系统反硝化除磷的效果,系统运行工况设定为:厌氧120min、缺氧90min、好氧210min、沉淀20min、排水10min。系统温度20~25℃,水力停留时间为26h,容积负荷为0.3kgCOD(/m3·d)稳定运行的SBBR工艺具有良好的反硝化脱氮除磷性能。在进水COD、磷酸盐和氨氮浓度分别为:378mg/L、8.13mg/L、21.6mg/L的条件下,出水COD、磷酸盐和氨氮浓度分别为:60.2mg/L、0.9mg/L、0.54mg/L,相应去除率分别达到:84%、88.9%、97%,有效的解决了废水中COD浓度低导致同步脱氮除磷过程中有机物不足的问题。同时,也证明了SBBR工艺具有反硝化除磷能力。在缺氧段,不同的NO3-浓度、COD浓度、温度、C/N比对反硝化除磷有着不同的影响,试验数据显示,缺氧段NO3-投加量为30mg/L,磷酸盐去除效果最好,去除率达到27%;在该段COD浓度小于100mg/L时,磷酸盐去除率较高;反应器温度保持在25℃,系统反硝化除磷效果较好。通过分析进水C/N比对氮磷去除的影响,得出最优的C/N比范围为6~10。当进水C/N比高于10时,因为缺少氮源导致不完全的去磷;当进水C/N比低于6时,出现硝酸盐过剩现象,影响出水TN的浓度。

【Abstract】 The standard of wastewater discharge was controlled more strictly with the severe eutrophication question occurred. Today, the nitrogen and phosphorus removal technology aimed for eutrophication control has been the study focus in the wastewater treatment area. Denitrifying phosphorus removal is the new prominent biological wastewater treatment technique. The Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic(SBBR) system is fundamentally based on the technique of denitrifying phosphorus removal. The main advantage of SBBR system is the possible saving of adding COD and less sludge production and cutdown cubage of the reactor. These characteristics benefit significantly for the municipal wastewater treatment, especially for the low influent C/N municipal wastewater treatment where the lack of carbon effects the nutrient removal efficiency.SBBR technique(Sequencing Batch Reactor of submerged biofilm process) not only has the characteristics of sequencing batch technique but also the advantages of biofilm technology, which change the activated sludge into biofilm with carrier in the reactor on the base of SBR. This paper has researched the new type biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal of SBBR. The experiment operated with stimulant municipal wastewater was carried out. Using the SBBR system to actualize the nitrogen and phosphorus removal simultaneity. Effect of the COD,nitrogen and phosphorus removal was studied using the SBBR system .Based on the steady system, effect of influent COD/TN, concentration of NO3--N , temperature on the nitrogen and phosphorus removal was studied.The system circulate under the Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic mode, studying the effect of denitrifying phosphorus removal. The process operating cycle parameters of the SBBR was:120min anaerobic period, 90min anoxic period, 210min aerobic period, 20min precipitable period,10min effluent period. the SBBR reactor under the condition of the temperature was 20~25℃, the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 26h and the volume load was 0.3kgCOD/(m3·d), the steady system has good capability of denitrifying phosphorus removal, the parameters of influent such as COD, phosphate, ammonia nitrogen concentration were: 378mg/L、8.13mg/L、21.6mg/L, the effluent content were: 60.2mg/L、0.9mg/L、0.54mg/L, the removal efficiency of them in the SBBR system were 84%、88.9%、和97% respectively. The SBBR system effectually resolved the problem which the low COD content lead the nitrogen and phosphorus removal simultaneity under the lack of organics, the experiment testify that the SBBR system has capability of denitrifying phosphorus removal.In the anoxic period, the different NO3-concentration, COD concentration, temperature, C / N ratio have a different impact on denitrifying phosphorus removal. The experiment data show that in the anoxic period,NO3-dosage was 30 mg / L, the phosphate removal is best and the removal rate reached 27%, in this period COD concentration is less than 100 mg / L, phosphate removal rate is higher; the SBBR reactor temperature maintained at 25℃, denitrifying phosphorus removal effect is preferably in the system. Through analyse the C / N ratio of influent water on the impact of removing nitrogen and phosphorus, the C / N ratio of 6 to 10 is best. When the enter water C / N ratio higher than 10, lack of nitrogen lead to incomplete phosphorus ,when the enter water C/N ratio below 6, lead to the phenomenon of excess nitrates, impact on the concentration of effluent TN.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

