

The Research of Permanent Asphalt Pavement Fatigue Properties

【作者】 段小琦

【导师】 韩森;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 永久性沥青路面是指只需定期更换路面表层(能将病害限制在表层) ,在使用年限内不需进行结构性修复或重建,且使用寿命大于40年的沥青路面。它可以看作是全厚式沥青混凝土路面和高强度厚沥青路面的发展。早在20世纪60年代,就开始修建全厚式沥青混凝土路面和高强度厚沥青路面。设计和施工质量较好的部分路面已成功地为重交通提供长期的服务。传统的柔性路面损坏最主要是疲劳开裂和永久变形这两种结构性损坏,其中疲劳开裂是指在荷载重复作用下沥青面层底面弯拉疲劳引起的开裂,并向上扩展直至贯穿整个沥青面层;永久变形是指在荷载重复作用下路面结构产生的不可恢复的变形量的积累。Shell设计方法和AI设计方法均将沥青混合料疲劳作为沥青路面设计中的一个关键破坏标准。许多学者对此进行了大量研究,传统的方法是使用沥青层底的拉应变来推测沥青层的疲劳寿命,但由于沥青混合料疲劳破坏机理极为复杂,影响疲劳寿命的因素众多,而且各因素之间往往又是相互作用,因此,很难用简单的理论知识预估沥青混合料的疲劳寿命,一般需要进行试验。比较常用的方法是在室内通过小梁试验获得沥青混合料的疲劳寿命方程,再结合现场试验路或者加速加载试验进行修正,得到沥青路面疲劳寿命方程。本论文首先了解材料的疲劳及疲劳极限原理,在此基础上引入沥青混合料的疲劳极限试验,依据AASHTO T321的控制应变的三分点疲劳试验方法,采用沥青KLMY90#的两种沥青用量:最佳沥青用量和富沥青用量,以及SBS改性沥青,通过对比,得出它们抗疲劳性能的差异,研究不同混合料参数和疲劳作用次数之间的关系,并通过循环加载试验分析超载对沥青混合料疲劳极限特性的影响。

【Abstract】 Permanent asphalt pavement is just the regular replacement of the road surface (the surface can limit the disease), and not a structural repair or reconstruction, and the useful life of more than 40 years of asphalt pavement. It can be seen as a full-thick asphalt concrete pavement and asphalt pavement thick high-intensity development. As early as in the 1960s, began construction of full-thick asphalt concrete pavement and high-intensity thick asphalt pavement. Design and construction quality better part of the road has been successful in heavy traffic to provide long-term services.The traditional flexible pavement damage is mainly fatigue cracking and deformation of the two permanent structural damage, which means that the fatigue cracking under repeated load of asphalt surface bottom bending caused by fatigue cracking, and on the expansion until the asphalt surface throughout the ; Permanent deformation means that the load under the road structure to repeat the non-resumption of the deformation of the accumulation.Shell design and AI were to design asphalt mixture of asphalt pavement fatigue as a key design of the destruction of standards. Many scholars have done a great deal of research, the traditional method is the use of asphalt at the end of the strain to speculate layer of asphalt fatigue life, but because asphalt mixture fatigue failure mechanism is extremely complicated, the impact of fatigue life of many factors, and various factors Is the interaction between often, therefore, difficult to estimate the theoretical knowledge simple asphalt mixture of fatigue life, the general need for testing. The method is relatively common in the interior through the trabecular test asphalt mixture of fatigue life equation, combined with field test or road test to speed up the loading amendment by asphalt pavement fatigue life equation.First of all understand this chapter of fatigue and fatigue limit principle, on the basis of the introduction of asphalt mixture of fatigue limit test. In this paper, AASHTO T321 strain under the control of the 4-points test method, using asphalt KLMY90 # ,the two asphalt content: The best asphalt content and rich amount of asphalt and SBS, by contrast, that their anti-fatigue properties of difference . By controlling the strain of two-thirds point of asphalt mixture fatigue test, using different analytical methods, the mixture of different parameters and fatigue The relationship between the number of role and, through cyclic loading tests of overloading the asphalt mixture of fatigue limit the impact.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

