An Experiential Learning Theory-Based Intercultural Training Design for Intercultural Communication Majors
【作者】 廖苑;
【导师】 张红玲;
【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士
【摘要】 伴随科技信息技术的发展,在全球化的背景下,文化间的交流日渐频繁,跨文化交际能力的重要性也显得更加突出。在这一时代背景下,社会需要具备跨文化能力的人才,因而人们迫切需要提高跨文化交际能力。因此,如何培养具备跨文化交际能力的人才,已成为一个新兴而又迫切的课题。从英语教学的时代背景角度考虑,在英语发展成为国际通用语的形势下,英语教学的最终目的是培养具有跨文化交际能力的外语人才。这一思想也获得许多外语教育者的认同,从而在教学实践领域将跨文化交际能力的培养作为重中之重。跨文化交际学已经渗入到中国各大高校的外语教学中,逐步显现其作为一门独立专业的特性,并将最终脱离在语言学领域发展的局限。然而,综观中外学者在跨文化交际学领域的研究,针对跨文化交际能力及其培养方式的问题却长期难以达成共识。跨文化交际能力是一个多维度的概念,因此,这项能力的培养也需要从多个角度进行考察。跨文化培训具有与其他培训不同的特殊性,通过这类培训可以提高具有不同文化背景的人之间的交流和工作的效率。跨文化培训在欧美已经发展得相当成熟,但在中国还局限于商业培训领域中的尝试,而全方位的跨文化培训及其研究还处于起步阶段。本文通过考察上海外国语大学研究生院跨文化交际学方向的跨文化导论课程,对选课学生进行初步问卷调研,并结合跨文化培训及体验式教学理论,设计一个以体验式教学为基础的跨文化交际培训方案。由于跨文化交际学方向的学生通常注重理论学习,而在跨文化交际的情感和经历方面缺乏直接经验。本论文旨在通过上述的体验式培训方案就弥补情感和经历这两方面的不足提供一个可借鉴的策略。本论文以定性研究为主,并辅以定量分析方法。论文重点讨论了跨文化培训方案的设计过程,包括培训目标的确立、培训内容的选定和培训活动的挑选等问题。问卷调查旨在确定培训方案中需包含的相关要点以及评估培训效果。整个研究计划过程中共发放两份问卷。设计培训方案前,对学员进行问卷调研,总结核心需求以及对培训的期望。培训结束后,再对学员进行评估调查以检测培训的效果。本文共有5个部分。第一章陈述本项研究的背景和意义。第二章是研究的理论基础,阐述了体验式教学及跨文化培训的定义,并在解释这两个概念关系的基础上,对迄今国内外学者关于两者的各种模型进行深入探讨以得出适合本次研究的学习模式。第三章简述本次研究的方法论及问卷调研过程。第四章作为本文的核心部分,结合跨文化培训设计的进程,从分析培训需求、确定培训目的、制定各培训步骤下具体目标、选择培训手段、安排培训活动顺序和进度、及培训实施和评价这一整个过程,并且结合体验式教学的理论,拟制一份以体验式教学为基础的跨文化交际培训方案的设计。第五章指出本研究的局限性,并提出了继续研究的可能性。
【Abstract】 In the literature review, an extensive description has been included on the power of face-to-face cross-cultural experience in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of worldmindedness (Brislin, 1989; Brislin & Yoshida, 1994; Gochenour, 1993; Gudykunst & Kim, 2003). Multicultural and global educators agree that students need experiential learning with people different from themselves if they are to develop cross-cultural skills, knowledge, and competence. However, students have little access to chances of experiencing cross-cultural differences, though they are often exposed to various theories through classroom learning and after-class reading. Experiential learning has already gained prominent success in adult education and has been applied to many other contexts and areas. In all likelihood, what’s lacking in the regular intercultural communication (IC) course curriculum can be supplemented with experiential learning. Thus, by integrating experiential learning techniques into IC course, the author designs a supplementary training program for IC MA students.Taking into consideration IC MA students’learning capability and research needs, traditional or regular IC courses give priority to the study of IC theories and the training of cognitive awareness. Affective and behavioral components of cross-cultural communication competence are equally important, yet have been neglected. The designs a training program for intercultural communication MA students based on experiential learning theory, stressing affective and behavioral factors concerning cross-cultural communication.The thesis adopts a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology. The descriptive analysis of the training design, including training objectives, content and activities, constitute the main body. Prior to the training design, a questionnaire is designed and used to investigate the needs of the prospective trainees. After the training implementation, another survey is done to examine whether or how the proposed training program help improve the trainees’attitude and competence.Chapter I introduces the background and significance of the study as well as the thesis structure. Chapter II reviews the key points concerning experiential learning and intercultural communication training (ICT), and examines the necessity of synthesizing experiential learning activities and ICT program. Chapter III puts forward research questions and hypotheses, and explains the questionnaire design and data collection procedure. As the central part of the thesis, Chapter IV is devoted to the development of an experiential training program for intercultural communication MA students, following the procedure of assessing the needs, setting the goals, specifying objectives, determining contents, selecting methods, planning sequencing and pacing, implementing and evaluating the training. The concluding chapter summarizes the thesis and points out its limitations and the directions for future studies.
【Key words】 intercultural training design; intercultural communication competence; experiential learning;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 上海外国语大学 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
- 【分类号】G643;H319
- 【下载频次】311