

When West Meets East and Man Meets Woman

【作者】 刘星

【导师】 顾立行;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从社会学的角度探讨了性别角色态度、数学成绩和学术情感三者之间的关系,并探讨了文化和性别对于这三者的影响。性别角色态度是指人们对于不同性别所持有的刻板印象观点。学术界一般将性别角色态度分为两极,一类是传统性别角色态度,持此种态度的人们往往有着对不同性别持有鲜明的态度,认为男性重视事业,感情不易外露,喜欢理科,而女性重视家庭,感情丰富,理科成就较低;另一极则为平等性别角色态度,认为男女的不同性别不影响其在社会中其他领域的表现。大多数人群持有的态度往往在这两级之中。传统的中国隶属于男性占统治地位的社会,人们的观点偏向于传统的性别角色态度观点,但是改革开放的浪潮和西方社会的影响使得传动的性别角色态度发上了转变。本文将在新时期的大环境中研究中国人目前的性别角色态度,并和美国进行对比。数学领域一直存在着明显的性别刻板印象。传统观点一直认为男性更加喜爱数学并擅长于数学思维,而女性在数学领域处于弱势地位。这样的刻板印象来自于对于男女数学成绩的研究。人们中国自1949以来,一直致力于推行男女平等的教育体系,这样的体系在多大程度上消除了这种差异,或者数学成绩上的性别差异是否真正存在?性别角色态度又是否会对数学成绩产生影响?本文将对这几个问题进行研究。与学术相关的情绪体验被称之为学术情感。在本文的研究中,学术情感也将作为一个因子进行研究。作者选择了五种和学术相关的情绪(自豪、紧张、喜爱、气愤和羞愧)与性别角色态度,数学成绩做了相关性研究,试图解析三者之间是否具有一定的联系性。同时,作者还对不同文化不同性别的人群进行比较,尝试调查文化和性别对于情绪的影响。带着这样的问题,本文从两个层面进行了研究:一、不同文化和男女性别差异是否依然在影响人们的性别角色态度,数学成绩和情感;二、性别角色态度,数学成绩和学术情感三者之间是否存在相关性。在两个主要研究问题的基础上,作者通过调查问卷的形式,对中国和美国的一共319名高中生做了调查和研究。问卷分别采用了性别角色刻板印象量表中挑选出来的20个形容词对现代中国高中生的性别角色态度进行调查;采用中国的高等学校入学考试和美国的学术能力倾向测验(SAT)试卷对目前高中生的数学成绩进行调查;最后通过AEQ-M(数学学术情绪问卷)对学生的学术情感进行调查。此次的研究表明,不同的文化对于性别角色态度,数学成绩和学术情感都有影响,而性别只是对性别角色态度产生了影响。中国学生呈现出了更趋于传统的性别角色态度,更加优异的数学成绩和相对不强烈的情绪体验。同时,男性相对于女性,性别角色态度更加传统。研究还发现,数学成绩和自身的性别角色态度有着相关性。

【Abstract】 This study investigates the correlation among gender role attitudes, mathematic performance and academic emotions in different cultural context. As both a collectivistic and masculine-oriented society, China’s traditional gender role attitudes are continuously challenged with the trend of globalization, western culture and the increasing domestic voice of women for equality. Will such change influence the two stereotyped areas: mathematics and emotion? With this interest, the author suggests to investigate: 1) Do culture and gender still influence gender role attitudes, mathematic performance and academic emotions? 2) Do correlations exist among these three factors? These questions are answered by this quantitative study by collecting data from a specially-designed questionnaire. The questionnaire contained three measurements: Items from the Stereotypical Sex-Role Inventory (SSRI) were employed to measure gender role attitudes; National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) were employed to measure math ability and items from the Academic Emotion Questionnaire—Mathematics (AEQ-M) were used to assess the emotional experience of men and women. Results show that compared with their US counterparts, Chinese students hold more traditional gender role attitudes, experience less intense feelings and have better mathematic performance; Men, in comparison with women, are more traditional in gender role attitudes. It is also found that mathematic performance is related with gender role attitudes, which may be explained by the theory of arousal effect of gender stereotypes threat. Overall, gender differences in all three measurments are not very salient, showing an equalizing trend. Between-group differences are also assessed among Chinese male students, Chinese female students, US male students and US female students. The main finding of this study is that cultural and gender really makes difference in people’s gender-related attitudes but gender does not affect academic performance obviously.

  • 【分类号】C913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】390

