

A Deconstructive Study on Discourse and Narrative Line of Heart of Darkness

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 乔国强;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 波兰裔英国作家约瑟夫·康拉德被誉为英国最伟大的作家之一。康拉德自幼失去父母,并于16岁时离开家乡成为一名水手,开始了其后20余年的航海生活。康拉德不仅以大海为生,同时也热爱大海。作为一名多产的作家,康拉德许多作品都源自于他的航海生涯。在前往刚果的灾难性航行中所获得的经历给康拉德留下了极深刻的印象,并构成了他的小说《黑暗之心》(1902)的大背景。《黑暗之心》记录了船长马洛在一艘停靠于伦敦外的海船上所讲的刚果河的故事。马洛的故事除了涉及马洛自己年轻时的非洲经历之外,主要讲述了他在非洲期间所认识的一个叫库尔兹的白人殖民者的故事。小说自1899年问世以来,就以其丰富的象征和隐喻受到了极高的评价,被列为英语文学经典作品之一。国内外学者从形式主义、女权主义、后殖民主义、种族主义等角度对这部作品进行了研究。康拉德的叙事也十分引人注目。在《黑暗之心》中,他打破了以往的叙事传统,运用了复杂的叙事角度和技巧。本文力求从解构主义角度对其故事和话语及叙事线索等进行讨论,力求寻找出一些康拉德在小说中叙事特点。文章首先分析了《黑暗之心》中的故事与话语,对霍桑等人“隐含情节”的观点进行了讨论,认为结构主义叙事学家在对故事和话语区分的分析上取得了一定成果,但实际上小说中的故事与话语很难进行清晰区分。关于《黑暗之心》的叙事线索,文章对小说开端、中段及结尾的多重性进行讨论,并将小说的叙事特点与亚里士多德《诗学》中情节论观点进行对比;其次,文章又对小说叙事线索的双重性及多重性进行了讨论,用小说与《地狱》、《天路历程》及《失乐园》的联系阐明《黑暗之心》叙事线索的多重性。

【Abstract】 Polish-born English novelist Joseph Conrad was regarded as one of the greatest novelist in the English language. When he was just eleven years old, Conrad became a small Polish orphan. He left his hometown and worked as a seaman at the age of sixteen. In the next twenty years, he traveled around the world. The sea was Conrad’s both career and love. Many of his works drew upon his sea experience. In 1890 Conrad contracted to become captain of a Congo River steamer, but the six months he spent in Africa led only to disillusionment and ill health, giving him the background for his masterpiece, Heart of Darkness.The story details an incident when Marlow, an Englishman, took a foreign assignment as a ferry-boat captain, employed by a Belgian trading company. Since its publication in 1899, Joseph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and becomes part of the Western canon. Critics at home and abroad make various researches on this novella with the theory of formalism, feminism, post-colonialism, racialism, etc.Conrad’s narrative style is very striking. In Heart of Darkness, he shatters the classic narration tradition and uses complicated narration techniques. This paper is trying to discuss on the story and discourse, and narrative line of the novella with some deconstruction theories, in order to find out some narration characteristic in it. This paper first analyzes story and discourse of this novella, and discusses Hawthorn and other critics’view of“covert plot”. It believes that Hawthorn’s analyses casts some light on the narrative techniques about story and discourse; in fact, it’s really hard to distinguish one from the other in this novella. Concerning the narrative line of Heart of Darkness, this paper discusses the multiplicity of its beginning, middle and end; and compare them to Aristotle’s the law of causality, the law of temporality, and the law of unity in his famous Poetics. Then, duality and multiplicity of narrative line in Heart of Darkness are discussed in the way of connecting this novella with Inferno, Pilgrim’s Progress and Paradise Lost.

【关键词】 解构故事和话语叙事线索
【Key words】 deconstructionstory and discoursenarrative line
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】609

