

【作者】 杨虎

【导师】 罗珉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公路行业作为国家基础设施发展的重点行业,在国民经济中有着举足轻重的地位,NF银行是一家在金融领域进行较多创新的银行,从2000年开始对公路行业提供了大量贷款,在贷款发放、管理、审核、贷款平台建设等方面做出了大量的创新,本次通过抽样选取7家分行43个项目涉及合同贷款金额401.47亿元,贷款余额340.67亿元进行调查评价,在分析宏观经济运行现状及趋势的基础上,结合公路行业在国民经济中的地位、现状和发展趋势。通过对行业工艺技术使用、行业成本结构与控制分析、产品市场等方面变化,以及借款人项目管理水平,借款人发展(治理结构、财务状况)、借款人行业的市场份额分析等管理要素,完成对KF银行公路行业项目贷款未来走势的预测分析。本次评价“以项目为单元,以贷款为对象”,主要采用前后对比,综合分析等方法,借鉴COSO内部控制框架标准,围绕“评价目标”,对单个项目贷款的预期实现程度进行评价,从而总结该笔项目贷款从项目开发、评审承诺和信贷管理的全业务流程的经验教训,在此基础上对单个项目贷款的评价结果进行汇总分析。本次评价的建设期项目贷款表内余额16.28亿元,其中总评价结果为“实现”、“基本实现”和“部分实现”的贷款余额分别为0.48亿元、9.95亿元和5.85亿元,占全部建设期表内贷款余额的比例分别为2.95%、61.12%、35.93%。评价的运营期贷款表内余额265.77亿元,其中总评价结果为“成功”、“基本成功”和“部分成功”的贷款余额分别为4.63亿元、139.25亿元和121.89亿元,分别占运营期表内贷款余额的1.74%、52.39%、45.86%。此次评价公路行业项目贷款的主要问题按照贷款评审和贷后管理中涉及的各个环节加以归类,问题较为集中的环节依次为:项目经济效益预测、信用结构设计、项目资本金比例及到位情况监控、贷款资金使用情况监控、项目建设和营运状况、借款人集中度、还款能力和信用、担保能力、内部评级准确性、政策变动的不确定性。在不同地区由于经济环境等因素又体现出一定差异,从项目运营的经济效益看,分布在国家规划的国道主干线上的贷款项目实现预期经济效益较好。针对出现的共性问题,我们提请NF银行在公路行业贷款方面关注以下问题:一、贷款投向方面。不宜过快地加大对公路行业贷款,对于个别银行贷款占项目总投资比例过高的地区,应予以格外关注,适当加大对国道主干线高速和一级公路项目的信贷投放力度。二、评审方面。防止对项目经济效益预测过于乐观;信用结构设计要充分考虑现有法律、法规的限制规定。三、贷后管理方面坚持将资本金按比例先期到位制度;建立更为完善的贷款资金支付控制程序、加强资金使用的监管力度,严格执行代理行及时报告等控制制度;及时了解各地交通建设管理体制改革的政策趋势;还款期限设计方面应避免出现项目还款高峰期和大修期重合,降低流动性风险。四、利用银行在地方的作用和影响力,督促地方政府做实、做强公路经营企业,要求地方政府注入其他优质资产,防止借款人经营过于单一、集中度风险过高的情况。五、利用NF银行在金融产品设计和专业服务方面的优势,借助于公路建设融资渠道拓宽的商业契机,通过参与公路项目的信托产品或债券发行,进行资产证券化、贷款转移等业务,一方面增加银行的收入来源,另一方面可以分散和化解风险,实现本息的安全收回。

【Abstract】 As one of the key industries in China’s infrastructure development, road industry has a decisive position in the national economy. NF is an innovative bank in the financial area. Since 2000, it has provided a large number of loans for the road industry, and has made a great deal of innovation in many areas such as loan payment, management, audit. The investigation and evaluation in this paper are based on the samples selected from 7 branches in 43 projects, related to the loan contract of 40,147,000,000 yuan and loans of 34,067,000,000 yuan. Combined with an analysis of the macro-economy and trends of road sector in the national economy, the status quo and development trends are suggested. Via an analysis of management factors such as the use of the techniques, the industry’s cost structure and control, changes in product markets, the borrower’s level of project management, development of the borrower (governance structure, financial situation), as well as the borrower’s market share in the industry, the trend forecast of the KF Bank project loans for road industry is provided in this paper.The evaluation, Which is based on the "project as a unit to target lending", combined with a comprehensive analysis and other methods, learning from COSO standards of internal control framework, focusing on the "evaluation of the target," expects to evaluate the prospect of the achievement of a single project loan, This paper summarizes experience in the whole process of project development, credit management commitment and loan management, and thus achieve a meta-analysis of the evaluation of a single project loan.The project construction period evaluated has a loan balance of 1,628,000,000 yuan, of which the total evaluation of the results of the "realization" and "basically realization " and "part realization " of the loans were 0.48 billion, 995,000,000 yuan and 585 million respectively, occupying 2.95%, 61.12% and 35.93% respectively of the total loan balance of the construction period. While the lending operations evaluated has a loan balance of 26,577,000,000 yuan, the total evaluation of the results as "successful" and "fundamental success" and "partially successful" loans were 463,000,000 yuan, 13,925,000,000 yuan and 12,189,000,000 yuan respectively, accounting for 1.74%, 52.39% and 45.86% of the loan balance sheet of operations Period.The main issues in the evaluation of the road sector project loans are classified in accordance with all the aspects in the loan assessment and post-lending management. The problem-concentrated areas are: the forecast of the return of projects, the design of credit structure design, the ratio of capital projects in place and the situation monitoring, monitoring of the use of loans, project construction and operating conditions, the concentration of the borrowers, repayment ability and credit, security capabilities, inner rating accuracy, the uncertainty of policy. In different parts, the economic environment and other factors must also reflect differences. In terms of economic benefits of project operation, the project loan in planning the country’s national trunk line is expected to achieve better economic benefits.For the emergence of common problems, the NF bank is advised to concentrate on the following questions as to the loans for road industry:First, the sector of loan. Don’t be too fast to increase lending in the road sector. Be particularly concerned about the regions where bank loans accounts for a high ratio in an individual project. Increase the credit loan strength in the construction of national backbone and level road projectSecond, the assessment. Prevent from being too optimistic in the project economic forecasts; full consideration should be given to the existing laws and regulations in the design of the credit structure. Third, the post-lending aspect. Adhere to the system of capital pre-positioning in proportion; establish better procedures to control over the loan payment, strengthen the supervision of the use of funds, strictly enforce the agency report in a timely manner, and other control systems; keep abreast of the policy trends in the reform of traffic construction management system of different places; the design of the repayment period should avoid the peak period of repayment and the overhaul period of coincidence to reduce liquidity risk.Fourth, make use of the role and influence of banks in local areas to urge local governments to strengthen the road ventures, require local governments to input other high-quality assets, prevent the borrowers from concentrating high risks by operating a single business.Lastly, make use of the advantaged of NF Bank in the design of financial products and professional services areas, take the commercial opportunity to broaden the financing channels for highway construction, through its participation in the highway trust product or project bonds, promote asset securitization, loan transfer business. On the one hand, increase the bank’s sources of income, on the other hand, spread risks and achieve the safety of the recovery of principal and interest of the loans.

【关键词】 公路行业贷款评价建议
【Key words】 road industryloan evaluationadvice
  • 【分类号】F832.4;F542
  • 【下载频次】87

