

【作者】 彭倡彬

【导师】 罗珉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 单采血浆站是我国卫生事业单位的重要组成部分,2006年卫生部、劳动保障部、国资委等九部委颁布了《关于联合印发<关于单采血浆站转制的工作方案>》,2007年全国各单采血浆站均顺利改制成为单采血浆公司,成为自负盈亏的企业。事业单位是我国在计划经济下的特有产物,改革开放以来我国学术界从未中断过对事业单位体制改革的研究。事业单位体制改革成功与否对于我国国民经济、社会主义市场经济的发展及国家职能的正常行使具有重要意义。单采血浆站的改制,可以作为事业单位改制的一次探索性研究。据了解,全国各地单采血浆站均已成功改制。此次改制的经验和教训,对于我国其他事业单位的改制和发展具有向导性和适用性。因此,进行单采血浆站的体制改革和发展战略的研究具有十分重要的现实意义和学术价值。本论文主要研究单采血浆站的体制改革和发展战略。以单采血浆站转制为基础,探索单采血浆站改制的经验和教训对于其他事业单位的适用性,并对改制后单采血浆公司的战略发展进行探索性研究。单采血浆站在转制成为公司后,立即改变固有的管理模式(即满足于在上级行政部门的指导下完成任务),建立科学的发展战略,既是管理的创新又是事业单位体制改革的研究课题。本论文研究的基本思路和逻辑结构为:首先,从分析单采血浆公司的行业背景入手,对其历史背景、主要职能、产业结构链、运行机制特征及相关知识的系统分析研究。其次,阐述分析单采血浆站体制改革的理论基础和具体措施,以具体案例为依托,分析研究事业单位改制的方法。最后,研究单采血浆公司发展战略。通过对本论文的模型金堂单采血浆公司进行组织诊断,分析单采血浆公司改制后的发展战略。本论文是一篇从实践出发结合事业单位系统理论、组织变革理论和市场经济学理论,从单采血浆站体制改革个案分析引申到一般事业单位的角度来分析我国事业单位体制改革的硕士学位论文,具有开创意义和实践意义。本论文的选题从单采血浆站改制这一个案入手,分析改制的特殊性和普遍性,选题具有创新意义。笔者全程参与金堂单采血浆站的改制,对事业单位改制进行过深入的理论研究,并对改制的理论和实践都有较为深刻的认识。论文对访谈法创新利用,访谈历时2年,通过对政府高层领导、生物制品公司高层管理人员、转制单位管理人员和职工进行了详细的跟踪调查,为本论文的写作提供最真实、最基础的数据和新颖的思路。本论文对战略发展的探索是研究的又一创新。事业单位改制后,面临转变思维,制定发展战略是事业单位改制后成功运转的保障。本论文从实践出发,结合理论,探索单采血浆站改制后发展战略的制定,为单采血浆公司的发展和其他事业单位的转制提供参考。本论文的研究内容为我国事业单位体制改革的方向、具体方案的实施及改革后发展战略的制定提供依据,具有指导和推动意义。

【Abstract】 The station of sole collection of plasma is an important component of our public health institution. In 2006, nine ministries, including the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Security Ministry, the National Asset Management Committee promulgated Agreement on Solution Program of the station of sole collection of plasma conversion. In 2007, all the stations of sole collection of plasma were reformed to be self-financing enterprises. The public institution was the unique phenomenon of the Chinese planned economy. Since the opening-up and reform, academic studies on the reformation of public institutions never ceased. Whether the transformation of institutional structure will be successful is of great significance for Chinese national economy and the development of marketing economy in social democracy and the effective exercise of our government functions. The conversion of stations of sole collection of plasma can be considered as the first exploratory research of public institution reformation.Till now, all the stations of sole collection of plasma work well since the reform. Experience and Knowledge attained from this conversion practice can be a guide for the reform in other institutions. Thus, research on the station reformation of sole collection of plasma and its development strategy is of great practical significance and academic value.This thesis focuses on the reformation and development strategy. Based on the station of sole collection of plasma conversion, similarities and differences between stations of sole collection of plasma and other institutions will be studied, in order to explore the applicability of experience and knowledge from the station of sole collection of plasma conversion in the reformation in other institutions, which will be useful for advance exploratory study in the future. After stations of sole collection of plasma became companies, inherent strategy (that is, finish assignments under the guidance of higher administrative departments) in stations immediately changed, long-term development strategies are established, and long-term development plans are formulated. Such changes are not only research topics on management innovation, but also on public institution reformation.In this paper, the basic points and logical structure are as follows: First, it presents the analysis on the industrial background of the station of sole collection of plasma, including its background,, main functions, industrial chain, the characteristics of the operation mechanisms and related events. Second, it summarizes and evaluates the theoretical foundation and concrete measures to the station of sole collection of plasma reformation. Researching on a specific case, it analyzes approaches to the reformation of other institutions. Finally, the thesis will study these companies’development strategy after reformation.On Jintang model of sole collection of plasma, this paper will analyze these companies’development strategy after reformation.This master’s degree thesis is a practical case study, involving public institution system theory and organizational transformation theory and marketing economic theory, so it is of innovative and practical significance. This paper studies from one successful case, which is the reformation of stations of sole collection of plasma. We will analyze its universality and particularity, which is an innovative point. The author participated in the whole reformation process in Jintang station of sole collection of plasma, and carried out in-depth theoretical research, and attained some profound academic and practical knowledge about the reformation.It also uses interview. During 2 years’interview, we conducted a detailed investigation in different people, including senior management in government and biological product company, reformation companies’managers, staff and so on, which provides the most authentic and basic data and innovative views for this paper. Study on the development strategy is another innovative point. After reformation of institutional structure, public institutions become companies and face changes. So formulating development strategies will protect these reformatted institutions operating successful. This paper combines academic knowledge and practical experiences to explore the formulation of development strategies for sole collection of plasma companies, which provide reference for the development of sole collection of plasma companies and other public institutions. This paper studies the direction of Chinese public institutions’reformation, specific operation programs and provided factual basis for formulating development strategies after the reformation.

  • 【分类号】R197.6
  • 【下载频次】56

