

The Study on the Design of Three-dimensional Instructional Resources for Research Methods in Educational Technology

【作者】 黄硕

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息技术和互联网的发展极大地改变了人们的生活,也改变着教育和学习的方式,传统的教与学正酝酿着巨大的变革。信息技术与教育理念的不断发展,给教学资源多样化、立体化发展赋予了无限的生命力,掀起了一次次教育领域改革的浪潮。教学资源向多样化、立体化发展才能满足21世纪对人才培养的需求。本文在反思性教学论、合作学习理论、对话理论、后现代课程论、日常生活体验研究理论、社会建设主义理论的指导下,采用内容分析法对立体化教学资源进行设计研究,从三个方面实现教学资源立体化:(1)将教学资源分为文字信息资源、拓展性资源、网络环境资源三种相辅相承的资源,三种教学资源互相影响、发挥各自优势、共同发挥作用,使学习者在新型的学习环境中获得全新的学习体验;(2)针对目前教学资源在设计与建设方面方法单一的问题,本研究所设计的立体化教学资源特别强调方法,努力实现教学方法、管理方法与评价方法的多样化与立体化;(3)在教学资源内容组织上以学科课程为基础,侧重多样性、过程性和动态生成性。在立体化教学资源的设计与开发之中体现出新型的教学理念以及教学设计的思想,强调与鼓励学习者的主动参与、自主探究、协作学习,体现教学情境的作用以及学习反思的重要性。本文阐述了立体化教学资源的设计过程与教学程序,以《教育技术学研究方法》第一讲为例,编写文字信息资源,设计拓展性资源,开发网络环境资源,并利用课程管理系统MOODLE设计与开发了网络环境资源平台,为教学资源建设的具体方法与途径做出有益探索。由于时间的限制,《教育技术学研究方法》立体化教学资源部分模块还处于设计阶段,笔者会继续将其完成,并投入使用,检测其应用效果。

【Abstract】 The development of information technology and internet changed people’s life greatly, also changed the way of teach and study. Traditional teach and study are confronted with huge transform. The constant development of information technology and educational ideal, strengths the variegated development of instructional resources, and leads to more the one time innovations in educational field. Only variegated and Three-dimensional development of instructional resources meets the training requirement in 20th century.On the basis of the reflective teaching theory, cooperation learning theory, dialogue theory, post-modern courses theory, daily life experience theory, social constructivist theory, the dissertation adopts content analysis to design the Three-dimensional Instructional Resources, and carry out it from three aspects.(1)The Three-dimensional Instructional Resources will be divided into three complementary resources: character information resources, expansive resources and network resources. In the course of using the Three-dimensional Instructional Resources for teaching, the three resources affect each other and exert their respective advantages, and then play their action together, so that learners in the new learning environment can acquire a new learning experience. (2) The Three-dimensional Instructional Resources emphasize methods, and strive for variegated development of teach methods, management methods and evaluation methods.(3) On the basis of course ,the organization of instructional content focus on variety, process, movement. During the design and development of the Three-dimensional Instructional Resources, a new teaching concept and instructional design idea will be embodied. It stresses the active participation of learners, independence inquiry learning, collaborative learning, and stands out the effect of teaching context and the importance of learning reflection.The dissertation elaborates the design process and teaching procedure of Three-dimensional Instructional Resources, and take the first chapter of the course that Research Methods in Educational technology for example, compiles character information resources, designs expansive resources, develops network resources, and then uses the course management system MOODLE to design and develop a network environment resources platform. It makes useful explorations on the concrete means and ways of resources construction.On account of lack of time, some modules of Three-dimensional Instructional Resources for Research Methods in Educational technology are in design phase, and the author will complete them and put in use, detect the effect.


