

An Animal Research about Mental and Training Effect on Health in Different Time’s Observation

【作者】 周萍

【导师】 黄文英;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:运动及心理应激对免疫机能有一定的影响,由于运动负荷、心理应激的方式不同,免疫反应各异。本研究通过设计递增运动负荷及慢性心理应激动物模型,测定不同时段大鼠免疫球蛋白、细胞因子、皮质酮含量的变化,探讨不同运动负荷及心理应激对大鼠免疫机能影响的动态变化规律。研究方法:采用SD大鼠为实验对象,共88只,随机分成11组,每组8只,即:安静1组(C1)、安静2组(C2)、运动3周组(E1)、心理应激2周即刻组(P1)、心理应激4周即刻组(P2)、心理应激4周后24小时组(P3)、心理应激4周后72小时组(P4)、运动5周加心理应激2周即刻组(EP1)、运动7周加心理应激4周即刻组(EP2)、运动7周加心理应激4周后24小时组(EP3)、运动7周加心理应激4周后72小时组(EP4)。用比浊法测定IgG、IgA、IgM,放免法测定IL-1β、IL-2、IL-6、TNF-α、皮质酮。实验结果:(1)心理组和运动组免疫球蛋白低于安静组,且运动加心理组更为明显。E1组IgA含量比C1组显著降低(P<0.01);P3组IgA含量显著低于C2组和P2组(P<0.05);EP1组、EP2组、EP3组、EP4组IgA含量均显著低于C2组(P<0.05)。EP2组比P2组IgM显著升高,EP4组比P4组IgM显著下降。(2)心理组、运动加心理组IL-1β、IL-2高于安静组,心理组IL-6、TNF-α低于安静组。P2组IL-1β含量显著P1组(P<0.05),EP2组IL-1β含量显著高于P2组(P<0.01)。E1组IL-2值显著低于C1组(P<0.01);P2组、P3组、P4组IL-2值均显著高于C2组(P<0.05);EP2组也显著高于安静2组(P<0.01)。EP2组显著高于P2即刻组(P<0.01);EP3组IL-2值显著低于P3组(P<0.05)。P2组、P3组IL-6值显著低于C 2组;EP2组IL-6值显著高于P2组(P<0.01);EP3组IL-6值显著高于P3组(P<0.05)。E1组TNF-α值显著高于C1组(P<0.01);P1组、P4组显著低于C2组(P<0.05)。(3)心理组、运动加心理组皮质酮比安静组高,但三天后显著降低。P2组、P3组皮质酮含量均显著高于C2组(P<0.05);P2组、P3组皮质酮含量均显著高于P1组(P<0.01);P4组皮质酮含量显著低于P2组(P<0.05);EP4组皮质酮含量显著低于P4组(P<0.05)。研究结论:(1)运动加心理应激导致免疫球蛋白降低。心理应激的不同时段免疫球蛋白表现为动态变化,变化趋势为先升后降再升,应激后24小时是拐点,免疫球蛋白为最低,可能是因为面对应激机体全面激活体液免疫系统,抗体水平升高,但持续24小时后表现为超量恢复。(2)心理应激导致炎症性细胞因子IL-1β、IL-2升高,大强度运动使得这种升高加剧。心理应激导致IL-6、TNF-α下降,运动对IL-6、TNF-α影响不明显。可能是因为心理应激、大强度运动都会导致炎症的产生,尽管二者的机制不同。(3)心理应激对皮质酮的影响与心理应激的量有关。2周的心理应激使皮质酮有下降趋势4周的心理应激使皮质酮显著上升。可能是因为2周的心理应激负荷量较小而4周的心理应激负荷量导致皮质酮上升免疫抑制。(4)心理应激4周,运动7周加心理应4周激表现为皮质酮含量的动态变化。应激即刻上升,再持续下降,直至72小时下降到安静水平。这说明应激后72小时内应激激素有显著变化,这也与开窗理论模型一致。

【Abstract】 Objective:training and mental stress have certain affect on immunity system in that the way of training load and mental stress are different.This article discusses the effect of different load training and different mental stress on the dynamic changeable rule of rat immunity and its influential system.These are based on the effect of increasing load training and chronic mental stress on the changing level of immunoglobulin,cytokine,tumor necrosis factor,and corticosterone.Research methods:the experiment selects 88 SD rats as target test;they are divided randomly into 11 groups.Each with eight,namely:quiet Group 1(C1),quiet group 2(C2),training groups three weeks(E1),the mental stress two weeks immediately group(P1),mental stress four weeks immediately group(P2),mental stress four weeks after 24-hour group(P3),mental stress four weeks after 72-hour group(P4),training five weeks plus two weeks immediately mental stress group(EP1),the training seven weeks plus four weeks immediately mental stress group(EP2),training seven weeks plus four weeks mental stress after 24-hour group(EP3),training mental stress seven weeks plus four weeks after 72-hour group(EP4).Use the way of turbidimetry to exams IgG,IgA,IgM and way of RIA law to exams I1-2,I1-6,TNF-α,and corticosterone.The results:(1) The immunoglobulin level of mental and training group were lower than quiet group,and training plus mental group were more obvious.IgA level of Elgroup was marked lower than C1group.(P<0.01);IgA level of P3 group was marked lower than C2 group and P2group(P<0.05);IgA level of EP1 group, EP2group,EP3group and EP4 group were marked lower than C2group(P<0.05).IgM level of EP2 group was marked increase than P2group.IgM level of EP4 group was marked decline than P4group.(2) IL-1β:IL-2βlevel of mental group,training plus mental group are higher than quiet group.IL-6 TNF-αlevel of:mental group are lower than quiet group.IL-1βlevel of P2 group were marked lower than the Plgroup(P<0.05),while IL-1βlevel of EP2 group were marked higher than P2 group(P<0.01).IL-2 level of E1 group was marked lower than C1 group(P<0.01);IL-2 level of P2 group,P3 group,P4 group were marked higher than C2 group(P<0.05);EP2 group also was marked higher than that of C2 group(P<0.01).IL-2 level of EP3 group was higher than P3group(P<0.05);IL-6 level of P2 group P3 group was marked lower than C2 group.; IL-6 level of EP2 group was marked higher than P2 group(P<0.01);IL-6 level of EP3group was marked higher than P3 group(P<0.05).TNF-αlevel of E1 group was marked higher than that of C1 group 1(P<0.01) P1 and P4 group were marked lower than C2 group(P<0.05). (3) Corticosterone level of mental group,training plus mental group are higher than quiet group,but declined obveriously three days later,corticosterone levels of P2 group,P3group were marked higher than C2 group(P<0.05);corticosterone levels of P2 and P3 group were marked higher than that of P1 group(P<0.01);corticosterone levels of P4 group was marked lower than P2 group(P<0.05);corticosterone levels of EP4 group was marked lower than that of P4 group(P<0.05).Conclusion:(1) exercise and mental stress lead to the decline of immunoglobulin,when mental stress takes place in different time,immunoglobulin changes in a dynamic way.First rises then falls then rises.24 hours after the stress is the inflection point, immunoglobulin is at the lowest level,it may be because that the face of stress the body fully activated humor immune system,antibody levels increased,but after 24 hours of continuous,it takes on a excessive restoration.(2) Mental stress caused inflammatory cytokines IL-1β,IL-2 rise;high-intensity campaign makes this increase intensified mental stress causes the level of IL-6, TNF-αgoes down.Exercise’s impact on IL-6,TNF-αwas not obvious.May be due to mental stress,high-intensity campaign will lead to the formation of inflammation, even though the two mechanisms are different(3) Mental stress’s effect on corticosterone relate to the level of mental stress.Two weeks of mental stress decrease corticosterone,four weeks of mental stress that corticosterone increased marked.This may be due to two weeks of mental stress load smaller,while four weeks of mental stress load led to increased corticosterone immune suppression.(4) Mental stress four weeks,training seven weeks plus four weeks immediately performance a dynamic change.Stress increased instantly,and then continued to drop until 72 hours down to the level of quiet.This shows that stress within 72 hours of stress hormones have changed marked,this is consistent with theoretical models window.


