

The Pursuit of Divergent Roads in Life

【作者】 王艳红

【导师】 刘彦荣;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 闽籍作家庐隐是“五四”新文学拓荒时期的重要女作家,她擅长小说创作,也写诗歌、散文,而小说影响最大。作为20世纪“五四”时期一位重要的小说家,庐隐用她的创作实绩昭示了女性在中国现代文学史上的突出地位。她与冰心、冯沅君、凌淑华、苏雪林等一同为中国现代小说的发展推波助澜,形成了现代文学史上女性文学的第一道亮丽风景。庐隐是一个感情极为热烈的女人,性格直爽。不幸的是,她一生中经历的坎坷太多了。这就决定了为什么在她的作品中,总是强烈地流露出她内心的悲哀与寂寞,这种调子,几乎成了她作品的基调。而这种基调,又是用一种自然流畅的文笔写出来的,她总是用十分诚恳的态度,把她的身世和感受,真挚地诉说给读者,使读者对这个境遇很不顺利的女人,充满了同情。阅读庐隐的小说感染和打动我们的,不仅仅是流贯在作品中的真挚情感,还有当时被‘五四’的怒潮从封建氛围中掀起的、觉醒了的女性对理想社会、人生和妇女命运的执着求索。我们应该感谢解放了一代人思想的“五四”运动,正是这个给人的个性提供了发展机会的特殊的历史时候,造就了一批独具风格的作家。没有“五四”运动,中国文坛上就不可能出现大胆地抒发自己情感的女作家庐隐,正如茅盾先生所指出的:“我们现在读庐隐的全部著作,就仿佛再呼吸着‘五四’时期的空气。”本篇论文分为四章,第一章论述了庐隐创作基调形成的原因;第二章和第三章从庐隐作品的思想内涵作为切入点,运用女性主义批评方法,对庐隐笔下的女性命运、女性生存境遇作重点探讨,旨在说明庐隐文本所体现的时代精神和意义。第四章论述了庐隐作品的艺术审美特征。通过对庐隐及其作品的研究,笔者发现庐隐——五四时期这位杰出的女性文学先驱者和开拓者,不管是其本人还是其作品在中国现代文学史上的价值和地位是应当切实加以肯定的。

【Abstract】 Born in Fujian, Lu Yin was an important woman writer during May Fourth movement new literary pioneering. She was not only good at novel, but also achieved in poem and prose. She used her achievement in writing to predict woman’s role in the development of Chinese modern literature. Along with Bing Xin, Feng Yuanjun, Ling Shuhua, Su Xuelin etc promoted the development of Chinese modern novel and made a big contribution to the development of modern literature.She was sensitive and outspoken. Unfortunately, she suffered much in her life, which determined why she always expressed her sadness in her writing. This style wrote naturally in her works. She always told her life story and her feeling to the readers which made them feel empathy with this unfortunate woman. We were moved her novel because her works was full of sincere feeling and awaken women requested for ideal society, Life and women’s life raised in feudal atmosphere. We should thank for May Fourth movement. It provided special time to develop individuality and shaped a particular style writer. Without May Fourth movement, it is impossible for LuYin to express boldly her own feeling. Just as Mr MaoDun said: We now read the all works of LuYin as if we feel May Fourth movement again.This paper consists of four chapters. The First chapter deals with the reason of LuYin’s writing style. The second and third chapters take the thought of LuYin’s writing as starting point in feminist critical approach to mainly discuss women’s fate. The fourth chapter discusses artistic aesthetic feature of LuYin’s works. Through studying LuYin and her works, I find this excellent literary pioneer during May Fourth movement who should be affirmed in terms of herself and her works in value and position of the development of Chinese literature.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】226

