

Research on the On-The-Job Education of College Teachers

【作者】 胡源源

【导师】 胡青;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪,人类社会进入了知识经济时代。在新时代,经济的发展、社会的进步、科教兴国战略的实施,在某种程度上说越来越取决于教育,而教育的发展又取决于教师。教师的数量、质量以及结构已逐渐成为衡量和评价一个高校的办学水平和质量的决定因素之一。对我国而言,高等教育正处于由精英教育向大众化教育转轨的时期,随着我国高等教育大众化进程的推进和教师专业化的推行,我国本科教育已逐步向地方领导的普通高校延伸,普通本科院校将逐渐成为实施本科教育的主体。在整个教育活动中,教师、学生、教育内容是三大重要因素,其中教师是教育活动的核心,也是提高教育质量的决定性因素。在此背景下,普通高校教师的教育问题开始受到越来越多的关注,围绕这个主题的研究和实践也在全国范围内开展起来。在普通高校教师教育培训取得相当成果的同时,也逐渐暴露出一些问题与不足。本文选择对普通高校教师的在职教育进行研究,从普通高等院校与高校教师的特点出发,认为普通高校教师具有所教学科专业和教育专业“双专业”的性质,以此考察普通高校教师的在职教育问题,应该考虑既解决“教什么”的学科专业知识,又解决“如何教”的教育专业知识。只有把“教什么”和“如何教”的问题都解决的普通高校教师,才是一个真正合格的教师。从教师专业化成长来分析,普通高校教师教育就包括学科专业化和教育专业化两方面。解决问题的唯一途径是高校教师的在职教育,这种教育是终身学习的过程。具体包括教师的在岗培训,离岗教育与自我教育,三者统一于教师的专业化成长。并以此作为研究的主线;通过对普通高等院校教师教育的实际情况进行阐述,分析了存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的解决之策。在研究方法上采取了调查法、文献法、比较分析法、访谈法等几种研究方法。

【Abstract】 The 21st century, a knowledge-based economy era. Economic development and social progress, the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, to a certain extent it depends on more and more education in the new era, and the development of education in turn, depends on teachers. The number, quality and structure of teachers have gradually become one of the determining factors of measuring and evaluating the quality of a college. Our higher education is in the transition period from the elite education to mass education, the undergraduate education has been extension gradually to the local leadership university and its will gradually become the mainstay of the undergraduate education with the popularization of Chinese higher education and the process of specialized teachers. In the entire educational activities, teachers, students, the content of education are the three important factors ,while teachers are the core of education, the decisive factor of improving the quality of education .Under the background, the education of teachers in colleges and universities are beginning pay more and more attention, and are conducted the research and practice in the nationwide. The education and training of university teachers are made considerable achievements, but it also gradually exposed some problems and shortcomings.The paper has been studied the education of college teachers from the general characteristics of the teachers of universities and colleges, through access to the relevant documents and information, with needs of the professional development of teachers in colleges and universities .The author thinks that the college teachers have the nature of“double-professional”of their professional disciplines and professional education, and as it to study of the teachers’on-the-job education. we should consider that how to resolve“what to teach”academic expertise and“how to teach”educational expertise . Only the problem resolved can the college teachers become the truly qualified teachers. Analyzing the professional growth of teachers, including educational and professional education in two ways. The only way to solve the problem is in-service education of the college teachers. Education is a lifelong learning process which including in-service training, off-service education and self-education, three sections uniting to the professional growth of teachers, and as the main theme of research the paper describe the actual situation of teacher education of ordinary higher institutions learning , analysis of the main problems, and proposing the corresponding solution. The paper has adopted investigation, literature, comparative analysis, interviews several research methods and so on.


