

The Study of Tri-axis Capactive Vector Hydrophone

【作者】 李金亮

【导师】 洪连进;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 水声工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 矢量水听器由于其体积小、质量轻、灵敏度高、工作频带宽、单只“8”字形指向性等诸多优点,在小型声纳、声纳浮标、拖曳阵及解决左右舷模糊问题的应用上具有很大优势。同时矢量水听器还有许多未被开发的潜力,因此将新型的传感器技术用于矢量水听器的开发很有前景。本文利用声学理论分析了同振球形组合式矢量水听器的检测原理,给出同振球形组合式矢量水听器设计的理论依据以及制约条件。采用电容式加速度传感器构成矢量水听器的矢量通道,分析了电容式振动传感器的测量原理,针对矢量水听器检测的声波信号引起的水质点振动具有小幅值的特点,利用ANSYS软件设计了适合于矢量水听器的,灵敏度分别为0.12pF/g、0.12pF/g、0.116pF/g的三轴向加速度传感器。根据仿真结果,借助MEMS工艺得到三维加速度传感器样本。在此基础上,设计、制作了工作频带为0~500Hz、直径为64mm的三维复合式矢量水听器,并在驻波声管中进行了性能测试,矢量水听器三个通道灵敏度分别为-201dB、-201dB、-200dB(0dB=1V/μPa,500Hz),指向性分辨率均大于20dB,声压通道灵敏度-202dB。

【Abstract】 With so many excellences such as low profile,light weight,high sensitivity, wide bandwidth,good directionality,the vector hydrophone has many advantages in sonar system,sonobuoy,tow array,and solving cyclically ambiguous.And there is a lot of potential still need to be developed,so new kinds of sensor will be widely used in the development of vector hydrophone.Base on the acoustics theory,the measuring method of a kind of sphere, resonant-column vector hydrophone has been researched,and the velocity pickup condition for particle velocity hydrophone also been analyzed.The theory for the designing of vector hydrophone and the constrain condition are obtained.The paper adopts the capacitive accelerometer as the vector channel,and the measuring method of capacitive accelerometer is analyzed.With the character of low amplitude of underwater particle,the finite-element software-ANSYS is applied to design the sensitive element of the accelerometer.The result of the designed three-dimensional sensitivity are respective as 0.12pF/g,0.12pF/g and 0.116pF/g.And the sample is presented by MEMS technology.A tri-axis vector hydrophone with a diameter of 64ram was constructed and measured in the standing wave filed,having an essentially flat response between 0~500Hz with three-dimensional sensitivity respectively as-201 dB,-201 dB,-200dB (0dB=1V/μPa,500Hz ).The average resolving power of the directivity is bigger than 20dB,and sensitivity of the pressure channel is-202dB.

【关键词】 矢量水听器MEMS电容式加速度计
【Key words】 Vector HydrophoneMEMSCapacitive Accelerometer
  • 【分类号】TB565.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】177

