

Study on the Distributed Control System of Robot

【作者】 朱福祥

【导师】 张仁忠;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代机器人技术是当前自动化领域的研究热点之一。随着科学技术的不断发展,机器人将越来越多地被应用于工业、农业、国防、科学实验及服务业等人类社会的各个方面,其中移动机器人就是机器人学的一个重要的分支,由于它本身具有一个更大的灵活性已经成为目前机器人技术研究的一个热点。本文重点研究了基于TMS320F2812DSP控制器的智能移动机器人控制系统。主要研究内容包括:智能机器人控制系统体系结构研究:系统采用多CPU分布式体系结构,将控制系统按功能划分为3个智能模块,每个模块有各自的CPU,可以自主决策,模块之间相互协调协作,实现对智能机器人的控制。控制系统设计与开发:研制了轮式移动机器人实验样车,样车由控制部分和机械部分构成。设计以DSP芯片为核心的超声波测距传感器和光电脉冲编码器的接口电路;并论述了障碍物、转速和速度检测工作原理;同时,设计了DSP芯片外围电路(包括DSP工作电源、CAN通信、直流电机驱动和存储等硬件模块)。根据轮式移动机器人系统的特点,论述了障碍物空间完全未知或部分未知的情况下的路径规划理论和算法。并提出了多路冗余超声波避障路径规划控制策略和控制方法。最后,为了验证以上方法的可行性,在室内进行了各种实物避障的实验。机器人能够根据距离值的远近灵活地判断是否遇到了存在碰撞危险的障碍物,并有效地选择合适的避障方式,使移动机器人在顺利躲避碰撞的前提下能快速地规划路径,并达到移动机器人行进时的平稳及其避障轨迹的圆滑。采用多DSP的分布式体系结构的智能机器人控制系统简化了系统的设计与开发,有利于实现复杂的实时性智能控制任务。课题建立了较为完善的智能机器人控制系统平台,为深入研究智能机器人控制系统打下了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 The modern robotics is a hotspot in the field of automation. With the development of the science and technical, the robot will be more and more applied to the all aspects of human society, such as industry, agriculture, department of defense, scientific experiment and service profession, and the mobile robot is the important embranchment for the robotics. At the same time, because of the more flexibility, the mobile robot research has been a hot of robot technology. In this paper the system of intelligent robot motion control based on DSP chip TMS320F2812 is focused on.In this project, the system of intelligent robot motion control is designed by adopting the special motion control chip TMS320F2812, which is based on DSP. The system of intelligent robot motion control uses distributed structure which includes the environment information apperception module, the scheme module and the motion control module.The experimental vehicle of Mobile Robot with Wheeled according to the experimental research requirements have been designed and manufactured. The experimental vehicle is composed of control part and mechanical part. Have designed the interface of ultrasonic transducers of measuring distance and pulse encoders of sampling velocity which use the DSP as the processor; And have expatiated the work principle of measuring barriers, velocity and position; Meanwhile, have designed the accessory circuit of DSP, including power of DSP, CAN communication, drive of DC motor and storage and so on.According to the characteristics of the system of Mobile Robot with wheeled, have expatiated some theories and algorithms of path planning. The theories and algorithms include the fully unknown or partly unknown obstacles space. This paper has proposed the path planning control strategies and methods which include the ultrasonic avoid-colliding of excessive redundancy.The paper has done some experiments with the experimental vehicle according to control strategies and control algorithm which have been proposed before, and gotten the experimental result. And then has chiefly analyzed the outcome of path planning, which includes the diverse analysis between planning path and actual path under the different obstacles environment.The system of intelligent robot motion control which introduces distributed structure simplifies the designer of the system, and is useful to achieve the complex real time task of intelligent control. In this project, we have set up better foundation of the intelligent robot control system, which is the base of the deeper research to the intelligent robot.


