

Intelligent Control of Gyro Stabilized Sighting System for Airborne Optoelectronic Pod

【作者】 郭立东

【导师】 谈振藩;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着精确制导武器技术的不断发展,机载光电吊舱已成为精确打击和跟踪系统中的重要组成部分。它能隔离载体的振动对光电传感器指向的影响,同时,它利用光电传感器完成对目标的搜索、定位、跟踪。发展航空光电吊舱对我国的国防建设具有非常重大的意义。本文以机载光电吊舱陀螺稳定系统为研究对象,建立吊舱模型。该吊舱模型为一个两轴伺服系统,方位轴和俯仰轴都由速度环回路和位置环回路构成。由于航空光电吊舱是一个具有大延迟、非线性而又要求高跟踪和稳定精度的系统,对控制器的设计要求较高。本文采用模糊PID对系统控制器进行设计,分别对各轴的速度环采用经典PID控制器,位置环采用模糊PID控制器。Matlab仿真表明,采用模糊PID控制器后,系统性能较经典PID控制器改善了控制系统的过渡过程、减小超调量,又提高了系统跟踪精度、稳定精度和响应速度。模糊PID控制可显著改善控制系统对高速动态目标的捕获跟踪能力,提高跟踪精度,增强系统的鲁棒性。最后,本文给出了常见的几种预测方法,如多项式拟合法、Kalman预报器、隔点Kalman组合预报器和稳态Kalman预报器等,来解决延迟问题。

【Abstract】 With the development of the Precision Guided Weapon technique, airborne optoelectronic pod has become an important part of fighter precise attack system. It could isolate pointing axis from the vehicle oscillation. And it can search, localize and track targets with optoelectronic sensors. It is very important for the national defense construction of our country to develop airborne optoelectronic pod.This paper mainly focuses on the study of airborne optoelectronic pod and its mathematic model. The pod includes two axes servo systems, speed loop and position loop. The design of its controller is relatively challenging because the airborne optoelectronic pod is a system which has the great delay, nonlinearity and requirement of high-precision tracking. The design based on Fuzzy-PID control is proposed in this paper with the method PID controller in the speed loop and Fuzzy-PID controller in the position loop. The simulation by Matlab indicates that the system performance is improved effectively compared with traditional PID controller. Fuzzy-PID controller could shorten the transient process, reduce the overshoot and enhance the tracking accuracy. Fuzzy-PID helps system advance the ability to track the high-speed target, to improve the tracking accuracy androbustness of control system.Finally this paper discusses some common prediction methods, such as polynomial fitting Method, Kalman predictor, composed Kalman leap prediction, steady-state Kalman predictor to solve the problem of great delay.


