

Design on Wireless Buoy Node of Passive Acoustic Positioning System

【作者】 嵇建飞

【导师】 王燕;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 被动跟踪技术因无须在目标上加装合作信标,从而能够大大提高试验效率。传统被动方式的轨迹跟踪系统因测距精度差、跟踪速度慢等局限性,一直未成为装备定型试验的主力设备。随着新型水下武器的出现,更难以高精度测定水下目标的三维运动轨迹,因此高性能的水下非合作目标定位跟踪系统的建设已经提上了议事日程。被动式水声定位系统可以实时测量高速目标的三维运动轨迹。该系统各阵元与信息处理中心之间采用无线电方式进行数据传输。无线电数据传输的高可靠性和低误码率是系统能够精确解算目标轨迹的基本保障。本文正是围绕被动式水声定位系统浮标无线电节点的设计而展开的。论文主要工作包括以下三个部分:1.浮标通信平台的硬件设计和接口实现。在充分利用所选器件特点的基础上,利用FPAG开发出底层通信接口,将DSP与扩频电台、GPS等外设的接口协议集成到了一片FPGA中,减小了硬件规模,降低了功耗,提高了系统的可靠性。2.制定TDMA通信协议并在DSP上实现该协议。DSP程序采用模块化设计,各个模块之间互相独立,增加了程序的可读性,也便于修改。3.对微波的传播特性进行了理论研究并结合湖试结果进行分析。结果表明:利用二线(直达波和反射波)传播模型建立起来的传播损耗仿真模型和实际情况能很好的吻合,理论分析结果基本能够预测系统的通信距离。

【Abstract】 Passive tracking technology does not call for cooperate signal source on the target, and would improve naval shooting trial efficiency greatly. Traditional passive tracking systems are restricted by such facts as low ranging precision and slow tracking speed, so did not become main force for equip finalizing trial. As the new underwater weapon coming forth, old systems are incapable of detecting and tracking the underwater targets’ three-dimensional tracks. So a schedule has been brought out to build a locating and tracking system with high performance aiming at disoperative underwater target.Passive acoustic positioning system can measure the high speed targets’ three-dimension tracks in real time. Data are exchanged by radio-communication between buoys and information processing center. The high reliability and low false code ratio of radio communication ensures that the system track the targets accurately. The content of the dissertation is focused on the design of wireless buoy nodes of the passive acoustic positioning system, which includes three parts:1. The buoy communication system’s hardware circuit is designed and the interface protocol is realized. On the basis of the components property, the physical communication interface is developed with FPGA, and the interface protocol between DSP and spread spectrum radio station, DSP and GPS, DSP and other peripheral equipments is integrated into a FPGA chip, which make the hardware scale smaller, the power consumption decreased and the system reliability improved.2. The TDMA communication protocol is established and realized on DSP. The DSP program is modularized with each module independent, which enhances the readability and makes the modification convenient.3. The microwave transmission characteristics are studied combined with experimental results, which shows that the simulation model based on dual (direct wave and reflected wave) propagation model were consistent with the real facts. The results can forecast the operating range of radio-communication.


