

The DSP System of Optical Fiber Drop Sensor

【作者】 万众

【导师】 孙伟民;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着光纤传感技术的日益成熟,光纤液滴分析技术逐渐从实验走向实际应用领域。而过去液滴的分析工作总是靠PC机完成,因此失去了检测仪器便携的特点。而数字信号处理器DSP则很好地解决了这一问题。DSP技术使得液滴分析工作能够在DSP芯片上完成,从而能够摆脱对PC机的依赖,更适合于实际应用。本论文的主要工作是将DSP技术应用于光纤液滴分析,搭建了基于DSP处理器的光纤液滴分析仪。论文工作的内容集中在DSP嵌入式系统的搭建、DSP程序的编写、相关算法的实现、触摸屏与DSP的结合、实验测试等。具体内容包含以下几点:1.研究了相关理论,将相关系数、相关函数用于液滴分析。2.对本课题组先前制作的光纤液滴传感器进行了部分改进,使之更适合与后续的DSP嵌入式系统进行匹配。3.搭建了DSP嵌入式系统,实现了光纤液滴传感器到光纤液滴分析仪的转变。4.编写了DSP的所有程序,实现了信号采集、数字滤波、相关算法、触摸屏显示及控制、自启动等功能,使DSP嵌入式系统具备一台检测仪的功能。5.对各种浓度的乙醇溶液进行实验,检验基于DSP处理器的光纤液滴分析仪的实用性。

【Abstract】 As the increasingly maturity of optical fiber sensor technology, optical fiber drop analysis technology tends towards from experiment to practical application gradually. In the past, the optical fiber drop analysis systems were based on personal computer (PC), so that the ayalysis systems were inconvenient to be brought as measurement instruments. The digital signal processors (DSPs) solve this problem perfectly. With the help of DSPs, the optical liquid drop sensors could be established on DSPs chips. Without PC, the optical fiber drop anaylsis systems are more suitable to practical application.The main work of this thesis is to apply DSP technology in the optical fiber drop analysis systems. An optical fiber drop analysis instrument has been built up based on DSPs. The main contexts of this thesis focus on the building of DSP-embedded system, the programme for DSP program, the realization of the correlaction arithmetic, combination of DSPs and a touch screen, the experiment test and so on. The detailed contents are shown as follows:1. The correlation arithmetic was studied. The correlation coefficient and correlation function was used in optical fiber drop analysis.2. The optical fiber drop sensor fabricated previously was improved on in order to adapt to the DSP embedded system.3. A DSP embedded system was built up, which realize the transition from optical fiber drop sensors to optical fiber drop analysis instruments.4. All DSP programs were programmed to realize the functions such as signal collection, digital filter, correlaction arithmetic, touch screen displaying and controlling, auto restart and so on. All this work makes the DSP embedded systems have functions as checking instruments.5. Some experiments have been done using alcohol solutions of different concentrations to test the practicability of this DSP embedded optical fiber drop analysis instrument.


