

The Research of Experimental Platform of Color Sorter Data Acquisition and Transmission

【作者】 丛昊

【导师】 温强;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是个产粮大国,但由于农业机械化程度较低,大部分地区主要以人工作业为主,优质谷物产量低,造成粮食出口的困难。同时,随着国民经济的发展,人民对食品的精度要求也有所提高。若想生产高质量的精米,色选机是必不可少的设备。研制高精度、高速度的CCD(电荷藕合器件)色选机是各大色选机生产企业当前最关注的问题。本文对色选数据采集与传输实验平台的建立进行了深入的研究。介绍了基于FPGA技术、LVDS技术、USB2.0技术和VB6.0软件的色选数据采集与传输实验平台的实现方法,详细描述了高速CCD图像信号的采集、传输、处理及显示等关键部分的原理要点、设计难点、参考电路及相关程序设计,并对该系统进行了软硬件侧试。在硬件设计过程中,充分利用了现有芯片资源、控制逻辑来有效合理地控制FPGA及USB模块的工作时序,成功解决了高速并串转换、高速串并转换、系统同步、高速上传数据至主机等高速CCD图像信号采集与传输过程中的核心问题。同时,本文给出了配合硬件装置使用的软件平台的设计方法。实现了色选数据在电脑中的接收、显示与保存。为下一步色选算法的研究提供了动态数据,为色选算法的验证提供了软件基础。通过对软硬件平台的多次实验验证,证明了本平台设计方案的实用可行。为下一步色选机样机的制造提供了参考。

【Abstract】 Every year, China cultivates large amount of grain. But it is difficult for China to export its grain goods, because its low-level of agriculture mechanisation, most parts of China still using manpower as main work force. With the developing of the economy, more and more people pay more attention to the quality of food, including grain. Color Sorters are needed in this situation. Factories are mostly concerned about how to produce next generation color sorters with high speed and high precision.This paper is all about the Research of Experimental Platform of color sorter Data Acquisition and Transmission. It introduces the method to implement the Experimental Platform based on FPGA, LVDS, USB2.0 and VB6.0. It emphasizes on the principle outlines, design difficulties, circuits and programs. And it reports the testing results of the whole system.The system design takes full advantage of the current IC resources to control the timings of FPGA and USB unit efficiently. And settles many core problems such as:high speed data acquisition, high speed parallel to serial conversion, high speed serial to parallel conversion, system synchronization and upload data in a very high speed.Meanwhile, this paper gives a way to design the software, which is the counterpart of the device.Users can receive the data, save the data and show the data finally by using this software. This software can not only provide dynamic data to the research of color sorter arithmetic, but also give a platform for the validate of color sorter arithmetic.After many times of tests, it is proved that this Experimental Platform is feasible and exercisable. It also can give some reference to the design of next generation color sorter.

【关键词】 高速串行通信FPGALVDSUSB2.0VB6.0
【Key words】 High speed serial transmissionLVDSFPGAUSB2.0VB6.0

