

Research on Independent Innovation Environment Problem of High-tech Enterprise in Heilongjiang Province Based on SD Model

【作者】 邢芳卉

【导师】 杨东奇;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和知识经济时代到来,全球高新技术企业得到迅速发展,高新技术企业已成为各国经济增长的重要推动器。高新技术企业具有不同于传统企业的成长模式和发展特点。近年来,高新技术企业自主创新迅速发展,由于知识更新速度加快,产品生命周期缩短,产品和技术更新换代呈现出加速趋势以及企业外部环境愈加动荡和不确定性,导致高新技术企业自主创新遇到诸多难题。目前,黑龙江省高新技术企业所处的既有外部环境难以满足高新技术企业发展要求,甚至在某种程度上阻碍高新技术企业自主创新活动顺利进行。因此,需要根据高新技术企业特点及创新环境现状,探讨高新技术企业自主创新环境问题,对企业自主创新中面临的各种不确定性因素进行分析。本文在搜集大量资料的基础上,应用系统动力学研究方法,通过对自主创新过程链环-回路模型的分析,运用系统、整体的观点,分析自主创新过程所涉及的各种因素,以及这些因素与环境之间相互制约、相互促进的机理。本文对国内外自主创新理论和高新技术企业理论进行认真总结和客观评价。从影响黑龙江省高新技术企业自主创新环境因素入手,系统地剖析政策与法律环境、市场环境、资源环境、科学技术环境、社会服务环境以及社会文化环境对高新技术企业自主创新的影响,得出黑龙江省高新技术企业自主创新系统的因果关系图,提出黑龙江省高新技术企业自主创新系统的系统动力学模型,该模型由六大子系统构成。本文通过对模型的仿真模拟预测系统中各变量的发展趋势,又通过参数变化探寻环境因子的变化对自主创新的影响。模拟得出结果可以为政府建设高新技术企业自主创新环境提供合理指导及有力依据。

【Abstract】 With the advent of economic globalization and the era of knowledge economy, the global high-tech enterprises have achieved rapid development. High-tech enterprises have become an important driving to promote economic growth. High-tech enterprises are different from the traditional business model of growth and development characteristics. In recent years, high-tech enterprises rapid development of independent innovation, because knowledge is updated faster, shortening product life-cycle, products and technologies to accelerate the upgrading of present trends. And external business environment even more turmoil and uncertainty, leading to a high-tech enterprises for independent innovation has encountered numerous problems.At present, the external environment is not only difficult to meet the requirements for the development of high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, to some extent also impede the smooth progress of activities of independent innovation. According to the characteristics of high-tech enterprises, independent innovation of environmental issues and facing the uncertainties are discussed.Based on the large volume of data collected, used System Dynamics research methods to study. Through the process of independent innovation chain link loop model of analysis, the system and overall point of view, a comprehensive process of independent innovation factors involved, is the base of the research.On the basis of independent innovation in the paper of domestic and foreign high-tech enterprises, this article began with the independent innovation of environmental factors of high-tech enterprises in Heilongjiang Province. The impact of independent innovation of high-tech enterprises got across systematic analysis of the policy, market, resources, technology, social services and cultural environment. It has drawn the picture of cause and effect relationship for high-tech enterprises of Heilongjiang Province, and brought forward innovation system dynamics model with six major subsystems.Based on the model simulation of the system, it forecasted the development trend of each variable. Through the change of the environment parameters, this paper explored the impact of independent innovation. It provides a reasonable and strong reason for the government to construct high-tech enterprises for independent innovation.

  • 【分类号】F276.44;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】276
  • 攻读期成果

