

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 刘尔思;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文基于对产业集群及其动力机制的完整释义,继承前人在该领域研究的学术成果,以云南旅游产业集群为具体案例分析,在对旅游产业集群演进周期特点的研究基础上,运跨学科的知识点,对产业集群动力机制因子进行必要的归类,进而对产业集群动力机制的传统模型进行必要修正,并结合昆明市旅游产业集群的实际发展特点,进行集群动力机制因子多元回归模型的实证检验。全文围绕中心论题,即产业集群动力机制及其动力因子展开详细阐述与论证,揭示云南旅游产业集群动力机制的特点及未来发展模式,并提出发展集群动力因子、构建旅游集群孵化器模型,全面启动云南旅游产业集群的战略。本文研究论题旨在运用区域经济学中集群原理,分析产业存在的方式及其运行的规律,找出产业发展在集群的生成原因及促使企业参与集群的动力。并通过云南旅游产业集群动力机制的研究,为云南旅游产业集群的发展提出必要的政策建议与决策思路。本文的大体框架如下:第一章:绪论,对本文的研究背景、选题的理论意义与应用价值、研究方法与技术路径予以介绍以及研究对象的基本概念做必要的诠释。第二章:文献综述,对产业集群、产业集群动力机制及旅游产业集群的国内外研究予以详细阐述,把握研究的脉络。第三章:云南旅游产业集群的发展现状分析:对云南旅游产业进行分类并介绍集群的形成,进而阐述云南旅游产业集群的特点、模式及其发展存在的问题。第四章:云南旅游产业集群动力机制的因子判析与理论模型构造:对云南旅游产业集群动力机制的因子进行详尽分析,同时对其动力机制因素评价指标予以归类,进而建立云南旅游产业集群动力机制的优化模型。第五章:云南旅游产业集群动力机制的实证分析:以昆明市旅游产业集群动力机制为案例,建立动力机制因子回归模型并予以检验。第六章:云南旅游产业集群发展的对策建议:本部分基于动力机制因子分析,提出发展主体动力因子以及构建孵化器模型及提出旅游集群战略的思想。第七章:本文研究小结与展望:对本文的研究创新点、不足之处及需要进一步研究的问题予以介绍。

【Abstract】 Based on the industrial clusters and driving mechanism’s concept, and learned from the predecessors’ academic achievements in this files research, taking the "Yunnan Tourism Industry Cluster "as the concrete case to analyze, on the foundation of the evolution cycle characteristic’s research on tourism industry cluster, take advantage of interdisciplinary knowledge to carry on the essential classification to the industry cluster’s driving mechanism factors, and then make some essential revision to the industrial cluster driving mechanism’s conventional model, with the the actual development characteristic of tourism industry cluster in Kunming, as well as take some positive necessary examination on industry cluster’s driving mechanism factor multiple-regression model. The full text launches the detailed elaboration and the proof regarding the central thesis- industry cluster driving mechanism and the driving factors; seek for the driving mechanism characteristic of "Yunnan Tourism Industry Cluster"and its future development model, and also put forward to make use of the major development driving factors, the tourism industry cluster hatchibator model, to start the tourism industry cluster comprehensively strategy in Yunnan.Utilizing the cluster principle of regional economics, analyze industry existence and the movement way, and discover the driving factors of the industrial development and urging the enterprises to participate in cluster’s production reason, as well as through the driving mechanism’s research of "Yunnan Tourism Industry Cluster", seek for the essential policy proposal and the policy-making mentality for its developing and upgrading.The major frame of thie paper is roughly as follows:ChapterⅠ: The introduction of this research background, the selected topic theory significance and the application value, the research technique and the technical way as well as the object of study basic concept.ChapterⅡ: The literature summary on the industrial cluster, the industrial cluster driving mechanism and the tourism industry cluster’s domestic and foreign research. ChapterⅢ: "Yunnan Tourism Industry Cluster"’s development present situation analysis: Carry on its classification and formation, as well as the characteristic, the pattern and the development existence problem.ChapterⅣ: The analysis of driving mechanism’s factor with the theoretical model structure: with the research of tourism industry cluster driving mechanism’s factors in Yunnan, with necessary factors’classification to establish the the optimized model of Yunnan tourism industry cluster driving mechanism.ChapterⅤ: The driving mechanism posotive analysis of "Yunnan Tourism Industry Cluster", taking the Kunming tourism industry cluster driving mechanism as the case.ChapterⅥ: To make policy recommendations and countermeasure-based on the driving mechanism factorial analysis, propose to construct hatchibator model and thecluster strategy thought.ChapterⅦ: The conclusion and the forecast, some research innovation spot, the deficiency as well as some need to further study.

  • 【分类号】F270;F592;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】940
  • 攻读期成果

