

The Research of the Burst-Mode Signal Detection Technology in Passive Optical Network System

【作者】 何江锋

【导师】 郭淑琴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年以来,光纤接入市场一改“雷声大、雨点小”的状况,进入规模化建设阶段,然而FTTH(光纤到户)作为一种理想接入方式在大规模商业化应用中仍然存在许多问题。PON(无源光网络)系统是目前认为解决FTTH的一种理想方案,解决PON系统中的一些关键技术定能让FTTH跨出一大步。本文就是在这样的环境下,提出“PON系统中上行突发模式检测技术”这么一个课题。第二章首先对PON系统进行了简单介绍,并阐述其物理拓扑和各自采用的帧结构,并指出课题要解决的一个技术难题,即突发信号的检测技术。紧接着,第三章介绍了目前常见的突发信号检测技术,并作了比较——直流耦合前馈式检测技术是目前被广泛认可的方案。第四章主要完成对光突发模式检测模块的设计,包括光检测器、前置放大器、阈值控制电路、限幅放大器、复位电路等,针对已有的检测模块中存在的一系列问题提出相应的改进方案,并对每一个模块进行了仿真。第五章提出光检测模块的理想等效模型,分析了光检测模块中前置放大器热噪声、倍增噪声以及整个模块的灵敏度,并详细给出了各自的计算方法。同时提出光突发模式检测技术在EPON(以太网无源光网络)中的应用研究,采用MINDSPEED公司的M02016设计跨阻抗前置放大器、MINDSPEED公司的M02040设计限幅放大器,并介绍制作PCB板时的具体要求。最后一章总结文章的主要内容及创新之处。目前国内还没有一家制造突发模式光接收机的厂商,但是美国、日本、韩国等多个国家已经有这方面的产品面世。在信息业快速发展的时代,我们刻不容缓,相信一个性能良好的突发信号检测模块将会有很好的应用价值。

【Abstract】 Since 2008, the optical fiber market has transferred the status "All we hear is words, but there is no action." into widely application. However, FTTH (fiber to the home) as an ideal access form has a lot of problems when it is used in large-scale commercialization application. Now, the PON system is the best solution for FTTH. If the key PON technologies could be solved, it will take a big step. In the paper, we introduce "The burst-mode receiver technology in PON system" in such an environment.In the second chapter, we talk about the PON system briefly, and describe its physical topology and frame structure. At the last part of this chaper, we point out a technical problem——how to detect the burst-mode signal. After that, in the third chapter, we describe the current common technologies for burst-mode signal detection. After comparison, we find that the DC-coupled feed-back detection technology is a widely recognized solution. In the fourth Chapter, we accomplishe a blue print for the burst-mode optical receiver, including the optical detector, the preamplifier, the threshold control circuit, the limiting amplifier, the reset circuit, etc. In allusion to a series of problems existing in every module, we introduce many new methods to improve the program and simulate the circuits. In the fifth Chapter, we propose an equivalent model for burst-mode signal receiver to analyze the noise in the pre-amplifier module, the doubled noise and the sensitivity of the entire module. After analysis, we discuss the detail calculation methods. At last, we introduce a specific realization in EPON system, including how to choose pre-amplifier, limiting amplifier and how to design the PCB broad. In the last chaper, we conclude the main contents and new ideas in the paper.At present, there is no burst-mode optical receiver manufacturer in China. Howerer the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries already have products available in this area. In the rapid development time of information industry, we have no time to waste. So a good performance burst-mode signal detection module will be having a good market.


