

Design and Implement of a 2D Color Barcode of High Compression Chinese Character Encoding

【作者】 袁远松

【导师】 杨东勇; 郑河荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 条码技术已经成为当今主要的计算机自动识别技术之一,广泛应用到社会的各行各业,为人们的生产生活提供了极大的便利。随着条码应用领域的不断拓展,需要条码表示的数据信息量剧增,普通的黑白二色二维条码已不能满足某些应用需求。更为重要的是现有二维条码大多是针对英文字母和数字进行编码,尽管通过汉字内码的编码方法能表示汉字,但是缺少专门的汉字编码模式,对汉字编码的压缩比率较低,这增大了条码的印制面积,而且降低了汉字容量。针对普通黑白二色二维条码的信息容量有限和汉字压缩比率较低的问题,本文设计了一种具有高压缩比汉字编码能力的彩色二维条码,将普通二维条码的颜色从黑白二色扩展成黑、白、红、绿、蓝、黄六色,并按汉字的使用频率高低建立汉字编码库,采取汉字使用频率与编码长度成反比的编码规则,使该彩色二维条码具有信息容量大和对汉字的压缩比高的特点。本文从数据信息编码、纠错码生成和符号化表示等三个方面,对彩色二维条码的编译码过程作了详细介绍,并对该条码的数据容量、压缩比、纠错能力、编译码效率和识别难度等性能进行分析和比较,最后给出了彩色二维条码在公文管理中的具体应用实例。

【Abstract】 Barcode technology has become one of the computer automatic discriminating technologies. It is widely used in all walks of life, and it provides great convenience for people’s life. Because of its widely use and the info proliferate that a bar-code should express, the common 2D black-and-white two-color bar code can’t meet the needs. The most important thing is that all the barcodes are encoding for English letters and numbers. Although they can encode the Chinese character by Chinese character coding, they are lack of the specific Chinese character encoding model. As a result, the compression ratio for Chinese character encoding is low, and it needs bigger barcode printing but smaller capacity of Chinese characters.Because of the common 2D black-and-white two-color barcode limited capacity and low compression ratio for Chinese character, this paper designs a new two-dimensional color barcode with black, white, red, green, blue, yellow six-colors by adding more colors into the common 2D black-and-white barcode. This barcode establishes a collection of Chinese characters through the using frequency of Chinese characters from high to low, and it encodes the data following the rules that the code length varies inversely with the using frequency of Chinese characters. This barcode makes the 2D color barcode have higher capacity and higher compression ratio for Chinese character coding. This paper introduces the encoding and decoding process of color barcode from encoding data message in detail, generating the Error-Correcting Code and constructing the barcode symbol. Then, the paper analysis and compares the barcode in the data capacity, compression ratio, error correction capacity, encoding and decoding efficiency and identifying difficult. At the last, the paper gives an application example of the 2D color barcode in the management of the documents.


