

Juhua Railway Transportation Enterprise Reducing Stopping Time Research Based on Systems Engineering Approach

【作者】 韩城洲

【导师】 陈勇; 高潮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 工业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着国民经济的快速发展,铁路运力日趋紧张,铁路运输成为制约我国经济发展的煤、电、油、运四大瓶颈之一。要提高铁路的货物运输效率,在有限的车辆配备(车皮计划)下,必须提高车辆周转率,降低车停时。在铁路运输的货运流程中,两头——装、卸作业过程,往往更多地影响了车辆周转率。货物的装卸过程,牵涉单位(部门)广,涉及环节复杂,制约因素多,且多为企业专用线承担,弱关联结构关系使得铁路调度令难以贯彻落实,协调难度大,导致了较高的车停时。作为企业专用线如何减少停时,做到快装快卸?如何提高车辆周转率,服从铁路运输大局?浙江巨化铁路专用线运输的管理单位——巨化集团公司铁路运输公司是一个典型的铁路运输企业,每年有近700万的货物吞吐量,兼营卸车、装车业务,多品种,大运量,是浙西地区唯一的危险化学品货物集散基地。本文以浙江巨化集团公司的铁路专用线运输管理为例,开创性地用系统工程的方法分析了压缩停时需关注的各个方面,从流程上寻找压缩停时的优化方法,以工作研究的视角从各环节提出切合实际的、经济的、可实施的、有效果的改进措施。通过这种系统观点的全面分析,统筹方法的流程优化和精细管理的细节体现,本文获得了全面的、具有独到见解的各项改进措施和手段,最终达到压缩停时的目的。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, it increases tension in railway transportation. Railway transportation has become restricting China’s economic development as one of the four bottlenecks :coal, electricity, oil, transportation.To improve the efficiency of railway cargo transport, with a limited vehicles equipped (stock plan), it is necessary to improve traffic flow, reduce vehicle stopping time.In the process of railway cargo transportation, both - loading, unloading operations, often more affected vehicle turnover.The cargo handling process, involves units (departments) widely, covers aspects of the complex, multi-constraints. And the weak structure of the relationship between the dedicated commitment and the railway scheduling makes it difficult to implement, difficult to coordinate, resulting in a higher premium stopping time.As a enterprise -only lanes ,how to reduce stopping time so that quick unloading fast loading? How to improve the vehicle turnover, subject to the overall situation of rail transport?The transport constituent company of Juhua Group Corporation in Zhejiang—management unit of Juhua rail line - is a typical railway transportation enterprise. It is the only region of dangerous chemical goods distribution base in western Zhejiang , nearly 7,000,000 tons of cargo throughput per year, running unloading-loading operations, multi-species.In this paper, Juhua railway transportation enterprise in Zhejiang is discussed as a sample. It studies all aspects of concern pioneering use of the compression method of systems engineering analysis , finds ways to optimize the stopping time from the compression process , rises improvement measures from the perspective of study work , and the practical aspects of the economy can be implemented, getting the effects. Through the comprehensive system analysis , the approach to co-ordinate the process and optimize the management of the fine details of the manifestation , this article was comprehensive, with a unique view of the improvement measures and means to reduce stopping time to reach the final.


